2 questions


I am running three pvc pipes to the wall next to my tank.
1 Fresh
1 Salt
and 1 Drain Line
I want to use a hose to utilize these three lines. But I want to use one hose and switch it to the one I want to use.
My question is if I put quick connect hose barb fittings on the end is it alright to use the brass ones are do I have to use the plastic ones.
Second question is can I use teflon on my loc line threads where they connect to my PVC fittings.


Active Member
Yes tape is fine. (probably better than the paste, and easier to use to boot!)
The reason Sep said no to the brass is that brass is an alloy of copper (read bad for saltwater critters) and zinc.


Originally Posted by spanko
Yes tape is fine. (probably better than the paste, and easier to use to boot!)
The reason Sep said no to the brass is that brass is an alloy of copper (read bad for saltwater critters) and zinc.
Actually Bang said that

Were you joking or was it an accident because that's pretty funny?