2 questions


I recently noticed a build-up of salt on the outside of my tank around the bottom. Is this normal or do I have a small leak somewhere.
Also, does anyone clean their overflow box or just let it run? If so, how often do you clean it?


i wouldnt say that you have a leak there unless you can actually see some water. sometimes when water runs down the glass on my tank and i dont wipe it off or miss it when it dries i get some salt creep in the balck plastic.


Its normal. I have it all on top of my glass and all over my hang on filters.


I would look for leaks, wet areas, rapid water loss. If not I wouldnt be to worried. There is salt crep on the bottom part of mine but I think its when I open the glass hood it spills off. Or if you stick your hand in your tank it could be dripping off your hand then drying to the salt stage.


New Member
Clean and dry the area as best you can. Then put a piece of dry paper towel where you think the leak is. If the towel doesnt show any signs of water after about 5 mins. then you probably dont have a leak.
As far as cleaning your overflow I used to rinse mine out every time I changed the prefilter( about once a month) but my overflow was very easy to remove. If yours is hard to remove I wouldnt worry about it.