2 quick IDs- flowery/polyp things??


Hi! I've got 2 very small clusters of polyp-type things growing.
1st one- looks almost like a flower. Has a small stem, about 6 thin petals joined at the center. The center is yellowish, 'petals' are pink with a little blue/purple. They've grown pretty quickly and sometimes 'wilt' or lean over. They're really small- maybe 1/4" tall? Hope they're not nuisance anything- I think they're pretty

2nd one- these aren't feather dusters (no tube). They're all a pinkish-brown color and the top has a ton of little branches- kind of like a fir tree.

Thanks for any help you can give me! I know that's a Majano anemone in the background.. I'm going to the lfs for some joes' juice this weekend.


Yay! Good hitchhikers for once! Thanks for the ID- they both look right. I'm new to corals, so here's hoping I keep them alive