The first question is anyone have a filstar xp3 canister filter if so can u answer me this. I have chem-zorb in my filter now and i got phos-zorb to put in to do u just put the phos-zorb directly on top of the chem-zorb or how do u guys do it.
My next question what causes a cyno outbreak its not a big one i have some on my sand only in one spot and alittle on my one live rock and on the live rock my gsp are on. My tank is only 4 mon old or so could this be the problem.
My water chemistry is
Phos- 0-2 never been over 2
nirtate-0-2.5 on the low side 12.5 on the high never past that
alk 2-5
carbonate hardness-8-12 dkh
calcium alittle high about 500 cant get that to go down at all (anyone ever use kent pro-buffer to get the calcium to go down at all sometimes mine can be like 600)
Anyone have any suggestion like i said its not a huge outbreak but just curious plus im always scrapping my tank cause i have this brown algea on the glass very frustating i tell you.
My next question what causes a cyno outbreak its not a big one i have some on my sand only in one spot and alittle on my one live rock and on the live rock my gsp are on. My tank is only 4 mon old or so could this be the problem.
My water chemistry is
Phos- 0-2 never been over 2
nirtate-0-2.5 on the low side 12.5 on the high never past that
alk 2-5
carbonate hardness-8-12 dkh
calcium alittle high about 500 cant get that to go down at all (anyone ever use kent pro-buffer to get the calcium to go down at all sometimes mine can be like 600)
Anyone have any suggestion like i said its not a huge outbreak but just curious plus im always scrapping my tank cause i have this brown algea on the glass very frustating i tell you.