2 Sexy Shrimp


New Member
This isn't exactly a fish question but I was wondering if it is ok to put 2 sexy shrimp together. I ordered a pair from my LFS and they only sent me one. So there's going to be no way for me to tell the --- of my current shrimp or predict the --- of my new one. Would they kill each other if they're the same ---?


i do not have any or know how to tell the --- of shrimp but i heard sexy shrimp do well in groups, so chances are if they do best in groups they are going to have two of the same ---, so i am guessing they should be OK:yes:

nm reef

Active Member
Great pic waterfaller!!!I don't know much about the difference in --- with these types...but I do know I'd like to eventually add a pair to my reef. It is suggested that they can be kept in pairs...and they are very kewl!