2 Skimmers at once


Is it OK to have two protein skimmer in your tank?
I started my 90gal tank with a Sea Clone skimmer but I read some where that they suck, so now I want to get an Aqua C. Would it be OK to have both of those running at the same time, or should I just get rid of the Sea Clone and let the Aqua C do the job?


I have a sea clone and i thought it was working good,clean tank...parameters perfect,fish happy..mine is for lg tanks and it was expensive,whats wrong with it? I was going to use it in my new 90 gal tank;should I get a different one?:notsure:

jonny bolt

Alot people never "break in" their skimmers, including SeaClones, and when they dont see it picking anything up the day after they get it, they sell it. My friend has one, waited 3 weeks after he put it in the tank and it works fine.
If you get the Aqua C, you probably wont even need to run 2 skimmers in your tank.