2 stupid questions


1) am I the only one who cant see my picture? If yes then I feel pretty stupid that I keep trying to upload it and change the size, trying to get it to show up!
2) my posts still show up as being 6, when there are more than that, not that its bothersome, just wondering


Active Member
Originally Posted by macromania
1) am I the only one who cant see my picture? If yes then I feel pretty stupid that I keep trying to upload it and change the size, trying to get it to show up!
2) my posts still show up as being 6, when there are more than that, not that its bothersome, just wondering

What picture and posting in "the aquarium" doesn't count towards your post total.


Active Member
Posts within the aquarium section don't count, and if you delete posts it deletes them from your post count.


thanx! No pic shows up under my name hugh? I can see it when I look in my profile, but I dont see it in posts.


Active Member
yes, I can see it. you should set it as your avatar picture for it to show up under your name.


yeah you have it set as your profile picture. If you set it to your avatar pic it will show up by your name.
BTW welcome to the board.