2 tangs

Is it possible to have two tangs in a 75 gallon? I will be getting the tank soon adn can't decide between the yellow tang and the white cheek. WOuld they be ok together?


You're going to get abused for thinking of keeping ONE tang in a 75, but thats an agument thats been going on here for years :)
Don't get two..if you have problems, you have nowhere to turn except to return a beaten up fish.
I would pick either a yellow, purple, scopus or regal tang if you're set on a tang, they are the smaller of the group. Good luck!


I agree with the above post, but if you get a yellow tang, get him last because they do not seem to accept newcomers very well. Good luck.:)Or, if you get two tangs(IMO)I would add them at the same time.
I'm just looking to see if the two would feel cramped, or if they would fight? If I put them in at the same time, will they live a reasonably healthy life? Or will it be just too much? I would never hurt a fish just to have a pretty setup!


As Musipilot indicated, it's not a good idea to put two of the same body shape tangs in the same tank unless the tank is REALLY BIG. Not a 75. Same body shape woud include a yellow with a purple.
The other part of this discussion is "How many adult tangs (of any shape) should be kept in a 75 gallon tank"? The prevailing opinion is "at most, one".


Although the general consensus is "do not keep more than one tang in a 75 gallon tank" it will usually work out if they are still small, so if you got 2 3" tangs with differnt body type and color it will be fine for a couple years. If you really want to try it then try it, if you have to take one out then oh well.


Active Member
I agree that you are better off with just one. There is always the possibility that they will fight, some territorial aggression is normal with tangs. What is a certainty, however, is that eventually things will get cramped for two, since all tangs grow to a decent size. In this case, you will be faced with which one to get rid of, and where it should go. That is not a pleasant thing to think about, and is a situation that I would say is best to avoid since you can.


u can put 2 tangs in a 75gal IMO as long as they are small 2-4" i have 3 in a 55gal which i'm sure people think is awful but they look happy to me never any fighting between them. I would go with maybe a Kole or Hippo first and then add a yellow or purple tang after. Its probably best to add them together though to avoid territory problems.