2 Tanks For Sale Seattle Area


I have an Oceanic hexagon shaped tank that has Cherry trim (I think it is 47 gallons but the website shows a 42 gallon one).
It is the tank, glass top, and a Jebo 24 inch 2 X 55w PC fixture (1 10K and 1 Actinic bulb).
It was used for about 6 months and is in great shape. It is a really nice looking tank. If I had the space and the funds to set it up I would.
I am asking $135 for the whole setup.
I also have a 75 gallon rectangle Tenecor acrylic tank that has the Simplicity Plus Filtration built into the back (needs a return pump). It has some scratches and needs to be cleaned up. The background is black. The corners are rounded. It would be a very nice tank if cleaned up and a little scratch work. I will include an acrylic scratch remover kit.
It was $600 new I am asking $125 for the Tenecor.
I will include a homemade stand for the 75 gallon. It is a tall stand made of 2 X 6 and topped with 3/4 inch plywood (no doors).
I would also consider trading for some nice corals.
If interested in anything, just email me (robgregory98223 at earthlink dot net). I would also sell it all for $230.
I'm at work right now, I will try to get some pictures tomorrow.
I live in Arlington out in the country, but I can bring them as far as Everett if someone is seriously interested. Any farther than that and we could work something out for a couple bucks gas money (or frags, lol).


i would be interested in the 75
i live in seattle .. please post pics
or shoot me an email @ jewdontknow at hotmail dot com


Active Member

Originally posted by jew
i would be interested in the 75
i live in seattle .. please post pics
or shoot me an email @ jewdontknow at hotmail dot com

the name "jew" is that some kind of joke? i hope the mods do something about that.....


Here's the 75 gallon.
For $40 more, I will include the canopy shown on the tank, it's nothing fancy but looks pretty good.
The stuff seen on the tank wipes right off pretty easy. It just needs cleaned. If I have time this week I plan on doing it myself.



Originally posted by krowleey
the name "jew" is that some kind of joke? i hope the mods do something about that.....

what's wrong with the name jew???
i dont say crap about your name!!
please tell me why this is something the mods would be interested about!!


just noticed your from arcata.... i moved here from eureka
how long have you been in the arcata area?
oh and sorry to go off topic on your thread


Yeah, thanks for hijacking my thread.
The Hex tank and light is still available if anyone wants them.
:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: