2 things...one, flame angel has udinium...(need comfirm) and i got xenia!


ok..i've been paying close attention to my flame angel, and just today, i noticed she was covered in white spots.....just like my clowns, and just as fast....she is breating very rapidly...extremly rapidly.....
so, what do i do......
quarentine her? keep the main tank fishless for what, 4-6 weeks?
but about the flame, do i do hypo salinity?
oh, btw, she has a horrible case of cloudy/pop eye that i just cant seem to medicate!!!!!
she is a very sick fish.....but she is a trooper!
also, i just got xenia...anything anyone wants to tell me about them? i'm drip aclamating them now.....it is such a cooler system...better than openenign the bag and puting a bit of water in, the floating it again and blah blah blah.......hehehe...anyways, do they grow fast?


Active Member
I think, as people have been telling you for awhile now, that you need to slow down. Really kind of wish you hadn't bought that Xenia. You are stocking your tank very very fast....and it is still sooooo young. If you have sick fish, you might have some sick corals eventually too. :(
Hopefully someone here can help you with the flame.
A search for Xenia should turn up loads of threads. But in the future, you may want to post two different threads for such different subjects. And, always, search for information on fish and corals before you buy them. This may help you decide if you really want them.


well, i know about it, i was just wondering if anyone has any experience with them...i mean, i did my research, that is why i chose this one, but i was just wondering if there was anything special, or special advice anyone could give me...anyways, i add (very small) xenia, a small polyp rock, and a small mushroom rock in the course of like a week, or a week and a half......i thought you could stock corals as fast as you like....i didn't know it was like fish.....


Staff member
What are your water readings? How long have you had the sick fish? Are the spots on the fish salt-like in appearance, or do the spots look powdery?


um....the spots just showed up yesturday....
they look very very small......but hundreds of them...maybe thousands....just covered in them.....breathing very very very rapidly....
the spots showed up yesturday....and i was mixing the water in the q tank and was planning on transfereing her today....but then she started to swim all wierd and within an hour, she was kind of drifting to the bottom , then the emerald crab and hermti crab would start eating her and then she would swim away....so i took her out and put her in the q tank so she could die somewhat peacefully instead of being eaten alive.......
anyways, she has had the cloudy eye for a while....i medicate and it just moved it to the perimeter of the eye...but the puffyness got worse and worse.....i just woke up and she had died.....so i flushed her....
but now there are no fish in the tank......
so...if this is udinium, should i keep the tank fishless for 4-6 weeks, and if it is ich i should leave it fishless for 2-4 weeks?
should i just leave it fishless for 5 weeks just to be safe?


New Member
This is my first post ever to this board. I have been reading for 4 months. Straight to the point!!!! If I were you I would keep it fishless forever. Don't ever buy anything pertaining to saltwater again!!!!!!!!!!!!! You obviously do not listen to suggestions or use the info that other people have given you. First everything was an EMERGENGY, PLEASE READ THIS. Now it's I HAVE $%^&*( PROBLEMS!!! Everybody knew they were coming! Slow down and get it together, or give it up. If you don't you are going to kill everything you put in your tank. You will be the best fish killer in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Listen to what the people are telling you! I'm an idiot when it comes to S/W and I already know more than you do!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have a bi-color dottyback and two percula clowns 6 months into my tank. SLOW DOWN!!!!!!!!