This summer, I'll be upgrading to a tank of a volume around 240-250 gallons. The For Sure stocklist is as follows:
Porky Puffer
Sailfin Tang
Gulf Toadfish
The list is definitely going to be increasing as I get new ideas. For instance I'm definitely looking at a large angel, another tang, etc.
My main question is can I keep an Oyster Toadfish with the above stock list? I'd like to kind of showcase both species of Toadfish I can catch here... Thanks!
This summer, I'll be upgrading to a tank of a volume around 240-250 gallons. The For Sure stocklist is as follows:
Porky Puffer
Sailfin Tang
Gulf Toadfish
The list is definitely going to be increasing as I get new ideas. For instance I'm definitely looking at a large angel, another tang, etc.
My main question is can I keep an Oyster Toadfish with the above stock list? I'd like to kind of showcase both species of Toadfish I can catch here... Thanks!