2 Top Center Braces On 240 Gal. Came Unsealed??


I had water in my 240 gal. tank, and was banging on my overflow tubes to get the air bubbles out, and both of my top glass braces came unsealed from the back glass. This caused the glass to bow out 1/4", I drained the tank, and now need to know what silicone to use to reseal the braces to the back glass? Only the back side came off, but I will resilicone both the front and back. should I have a metal brace made to help hold these in place, or will the silicone hold good enough. I already have the frame around the top of the tank, the metal brace would just be for added strength.

richard rendos

Active Member
Aquarium silicon...available at pet stores and online places. You don't want to use metal braces, the silicon on the glass braces should be enough. You may want to brace the glass in place while the silicon dries. Let it cure for 24- 48 hours before refilling the tank with water.

richard rendos

Active Member
Cool. You should be good to go after letting it sure for a day or two. It would need to cure longer if it were part of the tank under the water, but that should be long enough since it is just for the center brace.