2 Weeks!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Welp, only 2 more weeks and i shall be one engaged guy. :joy: in the event that we lost our beloved turtle Sam, I am going to take her on a GPS geocaching trip that will lead us to three caches....the last one will be a box that has a poem on the outside that will be about two becoming one, a gift that she had given mr from her trip to AZ...on the inside will be two baby yellow belly turtles, one will have the ring tied around his little belly.

lets hope it turns out great....dont worry, i know the answer already basically,lol....just have to make sure everyone else in the plan works.
if you dont know what geocaching is...it is where you put coordinates(that you get online) in your gps device...and you have to follow the compass that leads you to the area where there is a hidden cansiter that holds little items inside it; just small trinkets and what not. you can go to geocaching.cxm to find out more if ya want. anyways
wish me luck! :joy:


Congratulations... I've been married about a year and my daughter is expected around December 16. Being married is great (if you're marrying the right girl).

BTW, aren't rings expensive as hell?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
Welp, only 2 more weeks and i shall be one engaged guy. :joy: in the event that we lost our beloved turtle Sam, I am going to take her on a GPS geocaching trip that will lead us to three caches....the last one will be a box that has a poem on the outside that will be about two becoming one, a gift that she had given mr from her trip to AZ...on the inside will be two baby yellow belly turtles, one will have the ring tied around his little belly.

lets hope it turns out great....dont worry, i know the answer already basically,lol....just have to make sure everyone else in the plan works.
if you dont know what geocaching is...it is where you put coordinates(that you get online) in your gps device...and you have to follow the compass that leads you to the area where there is a hidden cansiter that holds little items inside it; just small trinkets and what not. you can go to geocaching.cxm to find out more if ya want. anyways
wish me luck! :joy:
Brings a tear to me EYE.
Good luck Luke! Hope the skimmer worked out for ya!


Active Member

I have been married for 10 months and it's great. Marriage made out relationship stonger and opened other doors that I did not know existed.
Just have to marry right!
I have seen friends marry wrong. Ever wonder why the divorce rate is 50%??????????
I was told any SERIOUS doubts.....pull out.
Again congrats.
Also rings are very expensive. Over 10k here..... I let her pick it out. Did not go cheap in this area.......... No regrets! I am glad to pay... my wife is worth it. She does not know that I would have paid double.... :scared:


Congratulations! :joy: I've always wanted to try geocaching. Could I get those coordinates so I can try it out?
Tell us how it goes. Pack some champagne and plastic cups for the trip


Active Member
lol, thanks guys, yes rings are rediculous, luckily my lovely lady doesnt put importance on the price tag, so i dont have to spend 5,000 on a ring...i found one that i absolutely adore and i just know she will, i've had it for about 4 months plus some already...lol.
hot883--thanks, and yes that skimmer is just humming away doin its duties! thanks so much

she is the right one, i love her to death and can't wait to share those moment of just waking up next to her and being able to cook dinner in our kitchen.
nooo chamagne, i dispise that drink,lol, nice thought though, we're not drinkers of any sort...maybe some of that lovely apple juice she gets every other day. :joy:
well you can have the coordinates, dont think youll find anything unless you go about 30 SECONDS before me and my lady,lol...but you should try it, its pretty fun, although some can be unbearable hard,lol.
today i was supposed to scope out for some nice places to put get the coordinates, but no time, homework papers and slept,lol....and messed with the tank today too....oops. oh well, another day goes by.
thanks again


Active Member
YAY!!!! Luke, I'm so excited for you.... can't WAIT to hear how it all goes.
Sooooo glad there's finally a solid scheme - it's so cute I could cry.
Take lots of pix dahhling, you'll want to remember this forever!!
The ring is FABULOUS - you've got excellent taste for a guy (and that's saying a lot!
The Darling Miss K. is about to be the HAPPIEST girl in the whole wide world :joy:
And as for the waking up together and being able to enjoy simple things like doing dishes and making dinner - yeah...that stuff is ALL it's cracked up to be - and more. It's like having your very best friend in your house 24/7!!!! :joy:
I wish you the VERY BEST of luck and happiness -
and we will all come to your house and wake u up in the middle of the night if you don't post to tell us how it went!!!!


Congrats, ring looks nice, make sure to insure it if you haven't already. Read the fine print, some only insure the ring not the stone! Sometimes it will be included in homeowners policy (USAA does, not sure about others)That four prong mount is famous for losing stones. If one prong gets bent the stone will slide right out. sorry to scare you, if you get the chance, have the jewler remount with a 6 prong ( if you like the look) they are much sturdier and he should do it for free since you've already dropped a chunk of change. Anyway, my lecture is over good luck with the engagement it sounds cool.


Active Member
:joy: lol, thanks...yea, i will be getting it insured once i do it...and the diamonds also have a warranty on them, not the little ones though, which sucks, but oh well...and if for some reason she wanted something different, she could take the ring in and get something else for it....hopefully thatll never happen,lol. thanks for the scare though, much appreciated,lol


Active Member
by the way, the ring was custom made, it had a marqui i believe, or however ya spell it...but there were lots of little diamonds in it, so i bought another solitare ring and replaced it...i love it. :joy: just thought ya may want to know :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
here are some pics of the ring i took :eek:) i like it
Nice ring, so whats the coordinates?