2 Wrasse missing in my tank


This week I put 2 wrasse in my reef tank and have not seen them. I looked high and low. inbetween all my rock work and even put some extra brime shrimp in to try to lure them out. Where do you think they went. Are they the masters of hiding?


Active Member
What type of wrasses did you put in the tank.
Many wrasses do not get along with other members of the same species.


Active Member
i put a sexy shrimp in my reef tank this week havent seen him since mabe he joined up with your two and the are making a beeline for the ocean


Active Member
Wrasses are sometimes known for that. Sorry. One way to help them get through their first few days without is to leave the lights off and not go peeking in the tank too much, it settles their nerves.