Well while i was over my buddies house I was checking out his 90 gal set up. He has 2 x 400 watt MH 20k bulbs and 2 x 36" T-5s over his 90 gal and they look great. The tanks looks awsome. SO yesterday I took my 48 gal bowfront and 29 gal reef and combined them into a 75 gal. The only thing is I have to upgrade the lighting. My 48 gal bow had a 300 watt sunpod on it which gave it a 6.2 watt per gallon setting. Well I am now selling those lights and ordering all the parts for the 2 x 400 watt MH bulbs i am going to put on top. Pictures to come and If anyone has any coments on 800 watts over a 75 let me know.