20-25 Gallon Tanks


Got some New Pictures and some New stuff that my Wife bought me for Valentines Day... (My Wife So Rocks!!!)
I now have 22lbs of live rock. This means I get to buy my Jaw fish soon... :happyfish
So Here are the Pics:
- I stirred up the dust a little putting the rocks in the tank.

- Looking Clearer:

- Ah, That’s better...


- Nice Feather Duster Pic: (I have tons of these little guys in my tank)

- Micro Brittle Star:

- Some Cool stuff on the New Rock: (See if you can find it...)

- Possible Zoos Maybee: (See if you can see them)

- New Little H-Crab: (Blue and Orange Legs... )



Cool Misc Pics: (Sorry about the Algae on the Glass)

I’ll try to get some more pictures with the Moon lights on later...


Took a few more today...
I tried a new camera setting today and I think it works a little better for in-tank pics. I have a D50 coming soon
and then I can take Real Pictures...



Is a Gold Stripe Maroon Clown a bad Idea for my 25g Tank??? (This Tank)
I’m going to order my Jaw Fish next week from SWF.com and a Fire Fish a few weeks later... Is it possible to add a Gold Stripe Maroon Clown to this tank? I don’t want to torture a fish and would like some impute... Thanks...
I’m only going to have 3 fish Max in this tank...


Active Member
NO MAROON CLOWN!!!! Not a nice tank mate and IMO not suited for a 20 gallon tank either. If you want a clown to Ocellaris or Percula in that size tank. Below are some pics of my 20 extra tall, pretty new set-up.


Originally Posted by fishmamma
NO MAROON CLOWN!!!! Not a nice tank mate and IMO not suited for a 20 gallon tank either. If you want a clown to Ocellaris or Percula in that size tank. Below are some pics of my 20 extra tall, pretty new set-up.

Thanks for the advise...

Also, Were are your pics?


Active Member
A day late but here we go......the first 2 are bad pictures of my Jaw Tank (the 20XT)- havn't been able to get a good picture since the halides were installed. Sorry there is no full tank shot. Third picture is of my 16 gallon bow, looks closer in size and shape to what you have going so I thought I would throw it in.....the 20XT only has 10 inches of depth so it was tricky to aquascpae. Congrats on all the new goodies!!



Originally Posted by fishmamma
A day late but here we go......the first 2 are bad pictures of my Jaw Tank (the 20XT)- havn't been able to get a good picture since the halides were installed. Sorry there is no full tank shot. Third picture is of my 16 gallon bow, looks closer in size and shape to what you have going so I thought I would throw it in.....the 20XT only has 10 inches of depth so it was tricky to aquascpae. Congrats on all the new goodies!!
Looking Good...
What is the colorful guy on the top in the second pic?