20 gal and algea


I have a 20gal and I had quite a hair algea outburst...my fish all slowly died (the last two due to Bryopsis I think...allthough I have not been able to locate a good enough picture of this algea to properly id it)...at any rate the corals are doing awesome...and due to fish deaths (all gone over a month ago now) my feeding has went down to once a weak (my brain..xenia etc)..the phosphates and nitrates that the hair algea love are basically gone so the hair algea is following suit with that (allthough slowly)....however a new algea is taking its place...literally...growing through the hair algea then killing it....the algea varies from 0.5cm to 1cm in length and the entire body (the stem) has rings of 5mm long thin green peices gowing up its length....I have not been able to obtain a pic of this algea ANYWHERE and I was wondering if anyone has seen or heard of it..and what it feeds off of...
thanks :notsure:
PS: I'm not able to get a pic atleast not now...but I'll try to borrow a digital cam from someone...but I would appreciate any info anyone can offer. :)


Active Member
I would post this in the Reef forum so BangGuy or one of the others can get ahold of it and form an ID.


Thanks I'll try that....but I have to considder doing something about my blue leg hermit crabs since they'll make a short meal of any snail type.
sell them all back to lfs perhaps?...not to sure


Active Member

Originally posted by dhraako
Thanks I'll try that....but I have to considder doing something about my blue leg hermit crabs since they'll make a short meal of any snail type.
sell them all back to lfs perhaps?...not to sure

You need to feed those blue legs on occasion or they will feed themsleves!!


what do you suggest feeding them? ... the only one I can feed is a huge zerbra hermit I have...the crab just crabs food right outa the seringe I use to feed my shrimp and brain
the ble ones are to small to do anything usefull with the food...is there any kinda food I could tie to a rock or somthing that they enjoy eating?