Hey everybody, I have been saking as much info on this site as I possible have been and I built my own tank started about a month ago and I am currently just about finished my cycle. Would have posted pictures of the build earlier but lost my camera. I will post pics eventually as I will get the gf's camera and take them.
20 Gallon DT
10 Gallon Refugium
2-2x24Watt T5 Ho Nova Extreme (96 Watts Total)
But Now comes the fun part after all of my waiting.
Planning the stock list. I want to have a lot of corals and inverts.This will be my first try with anything coral wise except for a xenia.
I want(This may be alot but it is just ideas so I can get suggestions)
1 maybe 2 False Perculas
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
2 Peppermint shrimp
1 Cleaner shrimp
2 Camelback shrimp
Maybe other shrimp like sexy if I can find them at the LFS
Any other shrimp ideas?
I want to eventually have a clam blue/purple one figured it would be a maxima or crocrea?
Maybe Feather Dusters?
As for Corals I need suggestions and maybe even small how to take care of them pointers with suggestions.
I know I want a frogspawn and some different zoanthids.
Should I get a Bubble tip anemone eventually?? I will obviously wait to get it but just wondering people's opinions
20 Gallon DT
10 Gallon Refugium
2-2x24Watt T5 Ho Nova Extreme (96 Watts Total)
But Now comes the fun part after all of my waiting.
Planning the stock list. I want to have a lot of corals and inverts.This will be my first try with anything coral wise except for a xenia.
I want(This may be alot but it is just ideas so I can get suggestions)
1 maybe 2 False Perculas
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
2 Peppermint shrimp
1 Cleaner shrimp
2 Camelback shrimp
Maybe other shrimp like sexy if I can find them at the LFS
Any other shrimp ideas?
I want to eventually have a clam blue/purple one figured it would be a maxima or crocrea?
Maybe Feather Dusters?
As for Corals I need suggestions and maybe even small how to take care of them pointers with suggestions.
I know I want a frogspawn and some different zoanthids.
Should I get a Bubble tip anemone eventually?? I will obviously wait to get it but just wondering people's opinions