20 gallon coral reccomendations


I have a 20 gallon reef with 1 55 watt pc and 2 15 watt no's in it there is a xenia, a toadstool an atlantic anenomie and a flame scallop. what would u reccomend that i put in there


I would get some live rock in your tank, if your shooting for a reef set up. As far as coral goes, it's all in the eye of the beholder. If your looking for some easy, "cool" starter corals, I'd consider some star polyps, a frog spawn, and maybe a hammer coral. Good luck!


i already have live rock in there and it has been set up for quite awhile, do u have any info on any of these corals


Active Member
Your lighting is too waek for most corals, you are limited to soft cotals, mushroom, polyps and maybe Bubble, Fox, Brain and Frogspawn corals.
Before tempting hard corals you must be prepared to add and test calcium levels. Your scallop is not likely to survive very long BTW.


I know about my light i understood that when i started the tank, so i know its just soft corals and mushrooms and things like that, i do also add calcium, i was just intersted as to what other peoples personal favorites were


I understand about flame scallpop, but i didnt know that when i bought it, luckilly however it has been fine for over a year, it has stayed in the same spot for over 10 months and i think that he is happy, but thanks for the warning