20 gallon fuge?


I have a 20 gallon long that I am considering using as a fuge on my 125. The way I see it is if I do this I will have at least 300 gph going through the fuge which will be like 20x turnover in the fuge itself. Does this cause a problem?


would I just get a power head reated lower? I would think a less powerful power head wouldn't be able to push the water back up to the tank.


Active Member
Don't use the fuge as a sump...run it as a seperate tank, with slower flow that "feeds" fuge and over flows to the sump where it is pumped back to tank...
Slower flow can come from a line "Td" off the return line (portion of return flow) or a small pump to fuge
If fuge is below tank with sump...return fuge overflow to sump...
If fuge is above main tank...return fuge to tank...


Active Member
Here is my setup .. i have a 20 long feeding a 90g display tank. I have my flow to the fuge at about 20g per hour.. You want the flow much slower than to your display.
You can use the same pump you have going to your display.. All you need is a T splitter and a ball valve to regulate the second feed.. here is some pics


Active Member

Originally posted by reddog6910
I'm new at saltwater fish tanks and was just woundering what "fuge" is.

A fuge is a safe place to grow macro algae and pods that wont be eaten by your population in your display tank.


Active Member

Originally posted by Wester97
Your refugium drains back to the tank via gravity?

Actually overflow on the bulkhead but ultimately yes.. If the sump was higher than the bulkhead on the fuge this setup wouldnt work.
O misread your post.. no it drains to the sump.. but in front of the skimmer and bio balls... I dont want to skim water which is returning from the fuge.


wow those 90g wave tanks at the petsmart here cost bought 900$!
either you got one cheaper or you are crazy lol