20 gallon salt tank


hi i am starting a 20 gallon salt tank and plan to add a dwarf fuzzy lion and a pair of clowns. could i keep those fish? and heres the filtration a hang on the back filter 150 gallons per hour and a 270 gph power head and 20 lbs. of live rock. should that be enough filtration? and also do i need a protien skimmer? and if i do how much do you use them in a typical salt aquarium? oh and i dont plan on keeping and corals or anenomies just yet. and also could i keep 3 hermit crabs, 4 turbo snails, and a cleaner shrimp without a problem from the fishes?


I not quite sure if I should tell you to get a bigger tank. Oops, there it is. Well, I too started with 20G and ended up with a bigger tank and wasting quite a lot of stuff. Now the 20 G ia a home-made sump. So, would it be too much to ask to wait a little longer and get a bigger tank. It is a lot easier to manage (temp, water quality) than a smaller tank. Just a thought :rolleyes:


Oows, not too harsh. Of course you can still enjoy (some) the joys of reefkeeping but you will be limited by your tank size. Just go slow and read before you make a move. Have fun! <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


alright i dont have room cause i currently have three tanks in my room and my parents wont let me keep the tanks anywhere else in the house and curently i have a 90 gallon with three oscars and a 29 gallon with three firemouths and a 10 gallon under the 29 gallon and i will have to build a new tank stand to be able to have the 29 on top and the 20 on the bottom. now if you have any other suggestions let me know cause there isnt much else i can do and other people have told me that i could keep a maroon clow and a flame angle fish and a dwarf lionfish without a problem at all i just coldnt add any more fish to the tank so there if you want to get all pissy Zach SWartz or what ever it is

zack schwartz

Active Member
Sorry! I know what you mean about parents I have them too,but I convered my fw tanks to saltwater. I hated my oscars and got rid of them. In 90 you good keep some good fish.


Active Member
man, sorry, but i would not even attempt waht they are telling you in a 20 galllon, no way at all, that would be a problem waiting to happen, unfortunately i have to agree, maybe a reef with a pair of clowns, or maybe if you are real lucky and got a goo dskimmer(preferably with a sump) you may be able to keep a dwarf lion, i would push for a 30 gallon, but it may be possible, at least for a while, now a 29 which is about the same size should be fine for a dwarf lion for life but i would not add much anything else, the only fish that may fit for size would probably become an interesting snack later on
HTH and good luck


well i couldnt ever get rid of my oscars cause they are the coolest things i have ever had and i mite be able to get another 29 gallon and put it under the 29 that i have now but i willl have to build the stand a little bit taller so that i would be able to service it right and everything else. but with the 29 i could keep the dwarf lion and a pair of clowns i it and never have to get rid of them and also what woould be a good brand of skimmer to get besides berlin and wont cost you an arm and a leg?


If you want to keep a dwarf lion, like a fuzzy or a fu manchu in a 29g you certainly can. Just be warned that ANY fish that can fit in their mouth will be lunch (sooner or later), the same goes for ANY shrimp. All shrimp are considered good eating by lions, (even without the cocktail sauce!) so you may want to rethink your list. In a 29, I would limit myself to a dwarf lion and perhaps 1 maroon clown, or one of the larger type clowns. Snails are good and the hermits are kinda iffy. One person here has a very smart lion that has learned how to suck them out of their shells, while I have a lion (and YES, he is very smart too!!) who doesn't bother them at all. If it was me, I would get 2 hermits and see what happens!
Just remember not to overstock, lionfish are messy eaters much like oscars and you don't want to overload your tank. Also make sure you keep up with your water changes and your fish should be fine.
Good luck!! :D


so i couldnt keep a small dwarf fuzzy lion and a maroon clown in the 20 gallon tank at all even if i let it cycly for 2 months with the clown and went out and bought the smallest dwarf lion that i could find i still could keep them in the 20 gallon? cause i dont know if i will be able to get the 29 cause i dont want the tank on top to be up to high so i think that i might just go with the 20 gallon tank instead of the 29 . and for the 20 will 20lbs of live rock be pretty goo? and for the substrate crushed coral? and if i did weekly water changes about 20% and kept really good care of it will i be able to keep the dwarf fuzzy lion and the maroon clown and that would be the only things that i will be putting in the tank besides i will try and keep a couple of hermit crabs and some snails and see how that goes. and for the filtration a hang on the back power filter the aqua clear 200 and the aqua clear 270gph power head. and i will also get a protien skimmer. would that be good with the 20lbs of live rock and a bubble stone?


Active Member
just keep in mind that is sw it is 1" per every 4 to 5 gallons thats only 4 or 5 inches of fish and that would be the clown


In a 20g, I would just go with the dwarf lion and nothing else. A 29 would give you and the fish a bit more room. In a 29g, the clown would have room to manuever (sp?) around the lionfish should the need arise. In a 20g, the space is more limited height wise, so no, I would just go with the lionfish in that.
Your plans for LR is good, you can try and make a cave for the lionfish to rest in. You can use cc, or you can try a layer of sand instead, but either way just use about 1" to 2". This way you won't end up with a debris trap.
The filter, skimmer, and powerhead sound good, but I would skip the airstone. They cause the salt to creep up around the lid of the tank and it ends up being a pain to clean. It sounds like you will have plenty of circulation, so you really don't need it.
Even if you decide to do the 29g and get the clownfish, might I suggest that you train your lionfish to eat prepared foods first? It is much, much easier to do so when the lionfish is the only one in the tank.
Your plans for water changes sounds excellent. Do you know about cycling with a piece of dead shrimp? Just use the ones from the grocery store and throw one in. Keep watch with your test kits until it's complete. That way the tank cycles without stressing out a fish.


I've never tried a SW in anything smaller than my 90g so I'm definately NOT an expert, but...
I can't help but think a carnivore like a lion (messy eaters??) is going to make water quality/stability in a 20g a nightmare. JMO.


the type of clown i would like to keep with the lion in the 20 is a tomato clown. i know several people that have kept a dwarf lionfish and another good 4 inches plus in a 20 gallon tank and have never had a problem and one of the tanks has been set up now for about 2 years and no probkems. i think that i will go with the 20


Active Member
i cant believe some of yall are saying he could keep a dwarf fuzzy in a 20 or 29g. they need at least a 40" long tank, although they are called dwarfs they can still get 6" and in a 20 he woulnt even be able to turn around. if youre limited to a 20, 2 percs and a neon goby would be good. you could also get a cleaner shrimp and a couple of crabs. bo


well if yall insist on not keeping the lion could i keep a flame angle and a tomato clown and a scooter blenny? if i cant keep these fish i'm not going to get a salt water tank at all. and now expecially since i cant keep the dwarf lion.