20 GALLON TANK set up!


dont have a digital, i think im gettin one soon maybe tomorow. so ill post then, its only 3 months old but its got alot of stuff in ther.


Originally Posted by bknow
almost a month...post your pix i wanna see
dude your tank is only like 2 weeks old. in your other thread (which was 2 weeks ago) you said you just set it up :notsure: . anyway i like your rock work good job. peace


Originally Posted by Mes1
dude your tank is only like 2 weeks old. in your other thread (which was 2 weeks ago) you said you just set it up :notsure: . anyway i like your rock work good job. peace
if you are refering about when he started the thread, maybe it means he finally got some fish or something. 'just set-up' means a lot of things to everybody. you never know.
BTW, nice tank. you should get a backround. will make it look tons better. good luck

PS- if you want to stop the bubbles on your powerhead, take out the ventri valve and make sure the powerhead is completely under water.


yeh i figured out the power head bubble thing...my tanks doing good...got a bunch of algae everywhere now...i need to buy some crabs and more turbo snails


the clowns look great
i wouldnt put an anemone in because of the insufficient lighting
but you could put in a torch coral that looks like one or a frogspawn which the clowns might also host


how many watts do anemone's need? 65+65 is 130watts in a 20 gallons...130w/20g is 6.5 watts per gallon...


yeah metal halides are needed for anemones, clams and hard corals(SPS)
but look at this websites torch coral it looks a lot like an anemone and would be ok with your light


Originally Posted by joebob7
yeah metal halides are needed for anemones, clams and hard corals(SPS)
but look at this websites torch coral it looks a lot like an anemone and would be ok with your light
i strongly disagree. i have kept both a bubble tip anemone and a squamasa clam under PC's. they did great but then i sold them when i upgraded. just make sure they are as high as you can get them. i would not advise get a anemone because they move around, and could harm your corals if it does. it is just a pain.
PS- i had 3.4 watts of PC in my old tank and now i will soon get a squamasa for my new tank.


Active Member
Your tank looks great. Be real carful and take your time. Each time you add new rock if there is any dead stuff on it your tank has to adjust to the new bio-load. Would hate to see you get an ammonia spike that might kill those beautiful fish. Your clowns may use a torch or some frogspawn as a host. Please read up on anemone's, everything you can get you hands on, and decide if you relly want to risk putting one in your tank. Start reading here.


Stay away from damsel. I would go with a neon or orchlid dottyback. :happyfish


ya with PCs i keep just about everything besides sps and clams. i got 65 wats on my 20 gallon n i have a bubble tip.


i have 5 turbo snails and a cleaner shrimp right now...and just got a fire fish and 2 xenias and a mushroom and zoo frags...what other clean up crew should i get...i was thinkin 5 more turbos and hermits...but i dont know how many


here's some updated pictures...i think i went a lil too crazy hahaha...once i got 2 free frags from a friend...my tank turned iinto this...i think im done for a month or two...
whole tank view...

pavona coral i got a hook up with for half off...dood sellin it didn't know there was a snail in there also...=)

ID on this snail i got in my pavona??? i'll get a picture when it moves...

xenia and green star polyps growing pretty darn fast i think...

cleaner shrimp i got hooked up with for 5 bucks at LFS =)

LTA i got for 10 bucks orginally 25-40 bucks at LFS...i know i know...i couldnt help it because it was pretty much a steal =T it's doing great though so thats good

fire fish i got