20 long shmaa


moonlights....i actually took the time to use led's of the same spectrum that the moon is rated. in series with a 12 v dc transformer which is adjustable from 3 to 12 v. i keep it way down so i dont get the spotlight effect. surface movement creates really nice light rays. kind of like an organic expensive nightlight for my wife and i, ha.


there is always enough room for imagination :yes: . i too take pride in my rock work. in my ten gallon, i turned 12 lbs of live rock into 2 seperate mountians, leaving a sandbed valley in the middle, check it out on "vibe's ten gallon bedroom nano". im sure you will get a good idea:D . i say adding a couple zooanthid colonies will cover over the rock work nicely to create an even more "natural" look. very nice.


that is an awesome set up, tank and all.. job well done you should be proud.. :yes:
oh by the way, love the avatar !!


thanks crazy... yeah i spent hours taking 1,000's of pictures just to capture the right expression, and tah-dah....j/k


hey guys....i will probably post this in equip and diy but i was offered a deal on a used excalibur protein skimmer....i forgot the model number but its the smallest 100 gallons and below rated skimmer. do you think that would be a good investment at $90. i think its regular $170