20 long


Originally Posted by TriGa22
I wold go with 55. Your going to wanna upgrade from the 20 so do the
He has a 55... he wants to downgrade...

reef noob

Originally Posted by TriGa22
Yes. I dont think it is set up.
thats right TriGa but I dont have the money to setup the bigger tank right now (im only 13 and buy everything myself)


Active Member
Oh. Im 14 and it is a pain. Im going with a 55 or 120 soon. Im in debt with my parents lol. I have a 29 I like it.


Active Member
20 longs are pretty cool because of the dimensions. If you wanted to go a bit bigger, you could also consider a 30 long.

reef noob

Originally Posted by rbaldino
20 longs are pretty cool because of the dimensions. If you wanted to go a bit bigger, you could also consider a 30 long.
30 long would work if i could find one. (the only petstore within an hour drive of me is petsmart

reef noob

Originally Posted by zanoshanox
20 longs are flippin awesome. heres mine:

what lighting do u have?
also what is your stock list? :joy:


i have a 20 L i like it alot i actually have a PC fixture on it its 2X96 watt bulbs and i have a blue liped dersa clam in there along with some sps and mainly softies. I personally would go with a 150 watt MH along with the 2 X55 .. if u went with the 25 thats 18 watts per gallon... the 150 would give you 13 and in that shallow of a tank i think youd be fine with a 150. But id try to go with a 30 long and if u do that id just go with t-5s because its 48" long... unless u wanna go with 2x150 MH with some 2 vho's?
Its a thought if i did it again id go with a 30 L..
good luck on deciding :thinking:
btw on my 20 L i have a 10 gallon sump/fuge with a modded seaclone skimmer and a mag 5 return on a sqiud. i also have 2 maxi jets hidden behind the rocks. In the fuge i have a DSB and some cheato. I have the seaclone going HOB off the fuge to save me room inside it. On a normal 20L stand from aga you have to cut the stand in the back slightly in order to get the 10 inside.

reef noob

new equipment/stock list
-30 long tank
-20 long sump/fuge
-AquaEuro 135 recirc skimmer
-9 watt turbo twist
-700 gph closed loop on a scwd
-mag 5 return
-2x 250 watt HQI 2x 96 watt PC
-pair of true percs
-randalli shrimp/randalli goby
-chalk basslet
-(possible fairy wrasse)

-cleaner shrimp
-15 blue leg hermits
-10 turbos
-5 nass. snails

-all kinds


Active Member
Ok. Sounds good. Why dont you just do T5? They run alot cooler. How much did you get the 55 for?


Active Member
Id try to do the most bulbs. I would do six or eight with individual reflectors. Ok. I was just wondering because I may upgrade later this year early next.


Active Member
It was 80 at walmart a couple of years ago when I did freshwater. The only thing left is the thermometer and the tank. I also bought the stand there for 50.

The stand looks like this. It didnt come with the knobs. I added these because the magnetic thing wouldnt fit with the sump. Prolly cant see it

reef noob

thanks triga. i like the clowns. a couple weeks ago i went to a aquarium store a guy told me clowns are super hard to take care of true/false?