20 pack (beware dial up)


I love the open,swim though areas on the bottom of the formations.Why a bare bottom?Why not even a thin layer of sand?


Looks really great , just a question. Why direct barebottom as opposed to starboard or something to protect from rockslides etc. ? What are you doing for circulation ? Thanks Peter


Active Member

Originally posted by sammiefish
no sand for the sand sifting star?

just kidding ... looks great. How long has it been set up?

that is linkia star. they eat stuff off of the rocks.:)


yea i never did find my sandsifting star :thinking:
i decided on the BB after a year with southdown and constant problems keeping it clean. you cant really direct flow over southdown casue it creates too much of a sand storm.
the tank has been setup for over 2 years now and i direct my powerheads over the glass to keep detritus in suspension. its much easier to clean with no substarte and i have GSP's, xenia, and anthellia slowy covering the glass.
I didn't know about starboard unitl after the fact, i'm still debating on adding a small layer of coarse agaronite. i'm kinda used to the BB now. it does take time to get use to it though.
Thanks for the replies everyone :D