200 gallon in Michigan


Active Member
Hi all,
We would like to sell our 200 gallon complete saltwater set up.
200 gallon tank and stand
pre-drill overflow
40 gallon sump
in line uv lite
in sump probe chiller
appromx. 100lb lr
appromx 6in sand bed
2 400 watt mh lites
4 VHO lites
We have min. $10,000 invested will scarfice for $5,000.
If interested in seeing photos, do a search under blueberryboomer for photos of the 200 gallon. The tank has no fish or corals right now, but we have had it running with good waterflow.
If interested please e-mail me at blueberryboomer@comcast.net


Active Member
Hi, Just wondering how far you are from nw indiana (highland/merrillville/gary area), If your not too far I would be interested in the live rock, skimmer and UV.
Let me know?