2000 THOUSAND Tank, need some advice...


New Member
Hello everyone!
Well this is the deal, now that I have started going back to school, I recently found out that my Psychology professor has a 2000 gallon tank smack dab in the middle of her house. After speaking with her for abt an hour or so after class one day, she popped the question and asked if I would be interested in maintaining her tank (pay of course) and get her on the right track.
She had this tank custom built for her about 3 years ago, it is a very deep tank, 2” thick acrylic walls, I will get back to everyone on the exact dimensions Friday evening. It has abt an 8-10 inch sand bed of pure crushed coral(the bigger stuff). She has about nine rather large fish ( Tomato Clown, Green Wolf Eel, 2 Scat fish (Which I thought were brackish water fish), Picasso Trigger, Lunare Wrasse, Hawkfish, Niger Trigger and a Yellow tang. By what I observed, none of the fish seemed bothered or bullied. The tank was custom built with two (fake, coral/live rock tower structures) on each side of the tank, that act as overflows which drain the water to a sump in her basement.
She has NO idea whatsoever what it actually takes to maintain a tank of that size successfully; she just enjoys looking at the fish. Herself personally, has NEVER checked for ammonia, nitrates, pH, phosphate etc…..she has always hired youngsters from ***** from time to time to change her saltwater and that’s really about it!
For the size of the tank (2000 gal.), she has not one piece of actual real live rock at all! Never runs carbon, phosphate remover etc… she does have it rigged where it runs into a couple sumps thought, first sump runs through some kind of “Sand Filter” it is actually filled with minute sand and the other sump goes through a “ReefConcepts” protein skimmer.
To make this short, I decided to take the job permanently and get her going correctly. I have maintained many tanks personally with much success of which my 200 gallon is the biggest I have ever had the chance to play with. This tank is 10x the size of my 200 and although I believe I think I know what to do, I need EVERYONE’S personal advice on how and where I should get started I definitely will not claim to know everything, so please everyone and anyone give me some opinions. I want to make her happy and at the same time would love the knowledge and experience of maintaining a tank of this size. I will test ALL the water parameters on Friday before doing any water changes, adding media etc… and post them here in the evening. Below are some pictures to give some more insight….I will have more pictures of the tank Friday evening….ok everyone, let me have it...


Got any scuba gear? :happyfish
Looks like she has a chiller too.
I believe the 'sand filter' is a fluidized bed filter but I am not 100% sure? Someone who has one might be able to explain it better.
Wow, that little Reef Concepts skimmer for a 2000? I thought they were good but dang! I always visioned a tank that size needing a skimmer the size of a closet, at least 6 feet tall? Then again her bioloads not that big, not many 'maneaters' swimming around that giant. Good luck...


Active Member
Cool deal.....Skimmer doesn't look like it's doing much should be alot more froth inside the reaction chamber.....maybe a good cleaning and adjusting might get the thing foaming.......I would honestly suggesting removing the chiller from where it's located......What size chiller is it? I know it's putting of mad heat and where it's sitting isn't the greatest......


amazing the size of that tank!!
I'd have SOO much in it if it were me.. imagine it being a reef. That'd b awesome.. FO is amazing as well w/ a tank that size in someones home.
GL w/ it!


Active Member
That tank is so cool....2" thick acrylic...man!!! I have no clue how to care for a tank that size ...sorry, but I'll be here watching as it progresses...what an awesome project


Active Member
Awesome tank, and a daunting task of maintaining, I'm sure. How does someone have that kindo of tank and not know how to take care of it, though? There has to be a lot of maintenance with the sump alone.


New Member
Sorry everyone, I was half way to her house when I realized I left my camera behind (30 min drive one way), but I promise to have more tomorrow as I will be going back. I had her order a refractometer, all salifert test kits, an electronic pH monitor and they haven’t came in yet, but as soon as they do, I will post all water parameters.
I did check the skimmer, cleaned out the collection cup, adjusted the water level, but it seems weak to me? Now on to the fluidized sand filter, she says she definitely wants to keep that because it “Looks Pretty”, weird…..anyway, the sand in the filter is extremely fine, and I was wondering if I could use purigen, or hyper-sorb by seachem as an alternate media? Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, keep’em coming. I will definitely keep everyone informed and post more pictures……


Active Member
I think first, after checking ALL parameters, you should sit down and talk with her about what type of budgeting will be issued to the tank. Moreover, you should find out what type of tank she wants, whether sticking with her semi aggressive tank or going to a semiaggressive reef for example.
So find out what they want to spend of Equipment and how much on livestock/liverock.
Having prepared prior to... a list of options that she can choose from... via livestock, and upgraded equipment.
You should add to the list of options... just to name a few
Auto top off/ ro/di and pressurized storage tank.
Controll center; this includes alot of options
automated dosing system
ALL reactors
automatic water change system
All pinpoint test kits
I would then talk to her about livestock and what direction she wants to go in.
add live rock 1000#s
get rid of crushed coral.... this could be a problem..
I would love to have this project... good luck.


Originally Posted by linuxguru
Sorry everyone, I was half way to her house when I realized I left my camera behind (30 min drive one way), but I promise to have more tomorrow as I will be going back. I had her order a refractometer, all salifert test kits, an electronic pH monitor and they haven’t came in yet, but as soon as they do, I will post all water parameters.
I did check the skimmer, cleaned out the collection cup, adjusted the water level, but it seems weak to me? Now on to the fluidized sand filter, she says she definitely wants to keep that because it “Looks Pretty”, weird…..anyway, the sand in the filter is extremely fine, and I was wondering if I could use purigen, or hyper-sorb by seachem as an alternate media? Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, keep’em coming. I will definitely keep everyone informed and post more pictures……

If it is a type of fluidized bed filtration then the purpose is to have the sands surface area colonized by microbes to provide nitrogenous waste mineralization in richly oxygenated water [The trusty Marine Reef Handbook]. Generally though, the sand is in suspension by forcing the wastewater upward and having the excess water flow over the top. I'm not sure if this is what hers does, maybe something similar? The sand used is not aragonite but ordinary silica sand (playsand) because aragonite dissolves defeating the purpose of the process. This type of filtration was suppose to be the next great thing (in 1997) but doesn't seem to have caught on?
Its basically using suspended playsand for filtration instead of bioballs?


New Member
Hello again everyone, well I went over to her house again today and took my TDS meter. She uses some type of RO/DI unit I just could not find the brand. I also took more pictures. Before I tested her filtered water, I calibrated my unit and tested it in some distilled water the readings were 000-001, fluctuating but hanging on to the 000 most of the time. My meter is working, I then tested my RO/DI unit at home and the readings were 008, maybe time for some cartridge changes. Well I made it to her house and tested the water straight from her RO/DI after letting it run for an hour or so and came up with readings of “206”, definitely time for cartridge changes, but I’m not sure the unit performs correctly so we talked about different RO/DI units for a while.
She told me she wants to definitely add live rock, but is unsure what kind of tank she would want it to be down the road, ex..aggressive, reef type, community etc…so anyway I didn’t think it was extremely important at the moment so we moved on. So my main concerns now are her RO/DI problems, and ordering live rock….also, any suggestions on the sand filter, can I use any other type of media hypersorb etc….here are some more pics…I am also concerned with filtration, there is none whatsoever in the tank except what the little spraybars on the top of the tank to returning the water. Any good wave makers anyone could reccomend?
UV Sterilizer 6 footer


Originally Posted by linuxguru
Sorry everyone, I was half way to her house when I realized I left my camera behind (30 min drive one way), but I promise to have more tomorrow as I will be going back. I had her order a refractometer, all salifert test kits, an electronic pH monitor and they haven’t came in yet, but as soon as they do, I will post all water parameters.
I did check the skimmer, cleaned out the collection cup, adjusted the water level, but it seems weak to me? Now on to the fluidized sand filter, she says she definitely wants to keep that because it “Looks Pretty”, weird…..anyway, the sand in the filter is extremely fine, and I was wondering if I could use purigen, or hyper-sorb by seachem as an alternate media? Thanks for all the suggestions everyone, keep’em coming. I will definitely keep everyone informed and post more pictures……
I've dealt with smaller 'sand' filters its basically a particulate and biological filter in one. 3 succesively finer grades of sand. (if its what i'm thinking it is) Which might suggest why the skimmer seems under powered IF it comes before the skimmer. Awsome looking tank none the less. And if the tank was seeded with a few peices of live rock. (if the fake LR is DIY type stuff or baserock) it should be liverock minus the coraline. Either way theres bacteria growth on it. If everthing checks out you might only want a little (well little by comparasion to the system). to boost filtration, if everything checks out good.
EDIT: WOA thats the single largest UV unit i've seen. seen some big clusters BUT dang... one single one thats massive. Also next time you are there cna yo uget more pics of hte skimemr body and conenctions? You might beable to make some upgrades to it as it stands.


Active Member
I use purigen on my 200. but its expensive $7.00 for a small package and probably somewhere between $9.00-15.00 for a bottle. I reclaim mine with bleach...which may be a risky thing to do on someone else's tank. when I reclaim, I put a few used packs in a large jar of tap water with 3 or 4 tablespoons of liquid clorox bleach. then let soak over night. then empty rinse well and soak again over night with tap water and maybe 1/4 c of prime. then I repeat this prime soak once again. I like purigen, but I don't know how it would work on such a large tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by XoXoX
If it is a type of fluidized bed filtration then the purpose is to have the sands surface area colonized by microbes to provide nitrogenous waste mineralization in richly oxygenated water [The trusty Marine Reef Handbook]. Generally though, the sand is in suspension by forcing the wastewater upward and having the excess water flow over the top. I'm not sure if this is what hers does, maybe something similar? The sand used is not aragonite but ordinary silica sand (playsand) because aragonite dissolves defeating the purpose of the process. This type of filtration was suppose to be the next great thing (in 1997) but doesn't seem to have caught on?
Its basically using suspended playsand for filtration instead of bioballs?



yes scats are brakish water fish but brakish water fish can go from all most totally fresh water to almost totally marine water they do best in between though but if salinty is adjusted little bit by little bit in time brakish water fish can live with marine fish. hmm 2000 gallons imagine the water changes