2007 Mtv Awards


Active Member
I'll comment... Brit performance was terrible. Her lip synch was off, dance moves were awful... it was defientely too soon for her to be performing in front of her peers..
Chris Brown had the best performance in my opinion.
T. Lee and K Rock got into a fight...
Most of the performances took place in rooms outside of the room the awards were held, which was a unique twist... they were in hotel rooms around the Palms Hotel... Overall I thought it was a good show...


Active Member
Originally Posted by earlybird
I'm assuming the new twist is to change it to MTV2 b/c there's no music on MTV?
I give?
They had seperate hotel suites where they had themed performances. Kanye West room. J. Timberlake room, Foo Fighters room... etc. The main audience were all seated at round tables instead of the rowed seating. There was no main host... There should be more music on MTV, but they took off after they realized the $$ is more in Pop culture then music videos


Active Member
I saw part of it. I tuned in during brit's performance. It was pretty sad. Everyone in the audience just looked kind of shocked and bored.
Sarah Silvermans bit that followed her performance was absolutely horrid. It was nothing but mean spirited low-blows and no one seemed amused.


Active Member
I DVR'ed it and speed through most of it, best decision ever. It was like something else was bothering her. The way she looked all lost and out of it, then ran off stage at the end of her performance.
Couldn't stand most of the performances, yea, Silverman's bit has got old quick, same low blows, though the Amy Wynhouse (sp.?) one was funny (thank god rehab didn't win anything either, most horrid/annoying song ever). Jamie Foxx presenting was hiliarous, man he must have been blitzed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
I DVR'ed it and speed through most of it, best decision ever. It was like something else was bothering her. The way she looked all lost and out of it, then ran off stage at the end of her performance.
Couldn't stand most of the performances, yea, Silverman's bit has got old quick, same low blows, though the Amy Wynhouse (sp.?) one was funny (thank god rehab didn't win anything either, most horrid/annoying song ever). Jamie Foxx presenting was hiliarous, man he must have been blitzed.
Jamie Foxx was funny...blitzed I don't know.. but he did start out as a comedian first... Silverman started out funny...there was a lot of silence in her monolouge...She did kinda rip B.S though...