I'm taking down my tank, It has 200 lbs of figi live rock. The tank has been running for 2 years with metal halides and pc lighting so the rock is totally covered in alge and has all kinds of stuff growing on it. All pieces are fairly large.
Interested in setting up my first reef tank, which would require about 200lbs of rock. Are you selling any other equipment, light, chiller, etc? How long of a drive is it from NYC?
I live in Yonkers near the Bronx border. It takes anly ten minutes(without traffic) to get into the city from my house. I also have a 1/3 hp custom sea life in line chiller which is still in the box after 3 months,and a 2 10000k 250W MH retro kit.
Chris I will buy all your live rock from you for $400.00 if you deliver it to the upper west side of manhattan. But it will not have my new tank ready for two more weeks, but i will email you when it is. Kiaer4me@aol.com
I wanted $700 for the chiller and 600 for the rock but if you want both I'll let them go for $1200. The chiller is brand new in the box. I bought it in December thinking my parents would let me put it in their living room(didn't happen)