20g + 10g Show (img ext)


Keeps all of the eye sores out of your main display--and also acts as a fuge...you can put macro algae in there such as chaeto to help with your water quality...or you can also run a reverse photo period with the macro algae to keep your pH stable.


Active Member
1st off, WOW!
Thanks for sharing, very nicely done. Can you edit the thread or include what the steps were for adding the sand, water, LR, livestock etc.? There are always PPL on here asking the steps. Is the water stable enough to transfer corals and clams etc. so soon? I'm a Newb, so just asking. Thanks again.


Hey Hot...I started out with brand new sand--I didn't want to stir up my old sand--that can cause a LOT of die off and a cycle. With my live rock, I didn't have to worry about a cycle...I did the following to do the transfer:The night before the transfer, I mixed about 35 gallons of brand new saltwater with a heater, a powerhead and some buffer.
Take out inhabitants and water from 12g Nano Cube--put in rubbermaid containers with heater and powerhead...and drip acclimate with brand new saltwater (so when the tank is ready I can just stick everybody in there)
Take out Nano Cube from desk ;)
Put the foam on the desk (this supports my tank--to support it in case it isn't even--less chances of tank cracking due to pressure points.
Put the 20g in front of sump, hook up powerheads and hook up the piping.
Fill with water.
Fill with sand.
Wait until sand settles a little, then put in rocks and inhabitants.
Keep in mind, it's different for me...my rock came from established water--and I didn't even toss my old water out, I just mixed it in with the new one.
When starting a brand new tank though...let it cycle, stick a cube of mysis or some shrimp in there to rot to generate ammonia--always start with something live (either rock or sand--or a little cup of live sand to seed--keep in mind, the less "live" things you have, the longer the cycle will take).
Then add your cleaning crew--you will have an algae bloom by now, which is all normal...diatoms will go crazy and probably some cyano and hairy algae. Make sure your cleaning crew can adequately keep your tank clean, then add your fish (I always recommend fish first prior to corals--). Fish have THE MOST bioload of anything you can put in your tank, if your tank can handle fish--you're good to go with the corals.


Active Member
Great way to explain it and will be helpful to many down the road. Thanks again and good luck


New Member
awesome looking tank dude, thats one lucky clownfish. that is definately sumthing to be proud of


Active Member
rbaby- how is your Yasha Goby? I have one on hold I am picking up next week. Is yours a jumper? Does it burrow and hide most of the time?


My goby is excellent...he pairs up with 2 pistols, a Randall's and some purple Japanese one I think. I'm lucky, my goby is out all the time...even swims out in the open...the shrimp doesn't come out as often but he hangs out at the entrance of the cave.
They always say to try not to get a pistol with your goby because "it's like getting a Mercedes and keeping it in the garage"...supposedly they don't like to come out that often once paired. Mine is fairly social, I hand-feed all of my fishes so he has come out of his shell a lot since being hand-fed. And no, mine isn't a jumper at all, he won't even swim at the upper-half of the tank.


Here you go guys--played around with my Rebel XT today and got these...
GRRR Micro Bubbles GRRRR

Started out as 2 polyps that I bought from Yoshiod:

My true blue xenia is doing well--and its new baby next to it:

New Tri-color Blastos:

And...here ya go:



Active Member
rbaby thanks for the reply! I may be regretting after what you said but I added the pistol that my goby was paired up with at LFS. Hopefully this was not a big mistake on my part. My shrimp goby and pistol shrimp are out 24-7 in my other tank but I know the Yasha is more shy than the the spotted shrimp goby. I can not see your pics yet, they are still loading but I am hoping you snuck your goby in there!!


Active Member
WOW!! Looks awesome. What a cool set up you have going rbaby. (And I spotted the yasha hanging out ).....unable to insert smilies for some reason.