20g Mantis

i just learned that my specimen cannot burrow into sand because it doesnt have enough support. i had to build it some dens using pvc pipe. he is sleeping in the middle of the tank for soem reason though.:D i asked my lfs to get me one before i went to the keys(where i got this one) and now they ahve one in! so instead of being an

and saying nope i cant take it, im going to take the risk of having 2 mantis' in a 20g, ill show some pics up tomorrow after i get him.
PhoenixOfThePyre, you could looking at problems with 2 mantis in the same tank.
I will post a couple pics of mine when I get home tomorrow. They are a very interesting critter.
Snake, this morning i woke up and my mantis was on his back, he sometimes flutters. he will also rapidly shoot his tail up in the air whil on his back. he hasnt actually gotten of his back yet, and the time he got to normal stance, he just went back onto his back, do u knwo whats going on?
That sounds like a very bad sign. They are a tough creature but can be very sensitive to extreme changes in saltinity and temps. though he could be shedding. Keep a close eye on him.
Here are a couple a shots of my little peacock mantis.
Doesnt look that much like the peacocks' ive seen. yeah, i asked on a board for only mantis shrimps and the xpert guy there said he might be stuck molting. he has been upside down for about 10 hrs now. ill show a pic soon of "Rey" It's King in spanish.

melissa v.

:eek: , O,K. you guy's are scaring me, i never thought that someone would find these creatures attractive enough to designate a whole tank just for them.:D
Melissa V.
:D Well I like mantis shrimp ALOT. Even though mine is undergoing something wrong, I'm trying my best to keep him alive, ill have some more reent pics up soon
here are some more pics.Sadly though my Pseudosquillia Cilliata died, because he couldn't molt. for some reason he was stuck when trying to molt. I'm currently looking for a new one if someone would have some they dont want :D

Originally posted by melissa v.
:eek: , O,K. you guy's are scaring me, i never thought that someone would find these creatures attractive enough to designate a whole tank just for them.:D
Melissa V.

Come on Melissa , Mantis like so many other salt water critters are very neat and there is always someone who likes the big bad aggressive guys :)
PhoenixOfThePyre , If you look at the first picture is not even as long as that sharpy pen can. Until he grows a little more , I will not know for sure. But he is getting alot of the peacock coloration.
Man that really sucks about your mantis. Hope you find another soon.


Hey I think It's cool you guys are keeping the mantis. I'm new to saltwater but so far from what i've read the mantis seems like the bigest preditor in the reef aquarium hobby. GOOD LUCK
I wouldnt reccomend putting a mantis in a reef tank daniel27407. they tend to eat pretty much every living thing in there:D. well im trying to get my LFS to get one for me, so i hope they will get one in soon