20g What kind of lighting?


I have a 20g high and i am looking to go ahead and look at getting better lighting. How many watts will i need? Since my tank is so small would pc be better than mh?


MH is always going to be best. You could even run a 250w if you wanted to keep SPS. I personally run 2x65w PC's and it works pretty well. Depends on what you want and how much you're willing to spend.


I would go with the Sunpod 150W MH lighting. Giving you a little over 7 watts per gallon of MH lighting. That should fill all of you lighting needs. I have one and it is great


Active Member
What are you looking to do with the tank??? What are you looking to keep??? MH are the best bet, but often theyre not needed


Originally Posted by Jwill
Some zoos and a few soft corals. Maybe an anemone? :notsure:
For any hosting anemone, it would be best to have the MH lighting. There are people that tell you that you can keep a BTA with PC and yes that is true but you need at least 4 watts per gallon.
I have the Aquapod that came with 64W of PC lighting, and even though most told me I need MH lights for my BTA I let some convince me that I could keep one so I bought a Green BTA and I bleached it. It turned white after a while which is very bad.
So I upgraded my lights to the Sunpod 150W MH lighting and it is a different tank. I will never have anything but MH lighting on any tank. It is so much better. Everything looks better. My wife was not happy that I bought it but now she says that it is worth it.
I also like not having to worry about what I can and cannot keep because of light.
PS. My BTA is looking better and even my zoos seem to open much wider and looks better.
So I would compare prices and see if there is any way you can afford to get some type of MH Lighting on your tank.


Originally Posted by PClown
For any hosting anemone, it would be best to have the MH lighting.
There are people that tell you that you can keep a BTA with PC and yes that is true but you need at least 4 watts per gallon.
I have the Aquapod that came with 64W of PC lighting, and even though most told me I need MH lights for my BTA I let some convince me that I could keep one so I bought a Green BTA and I bleached it. It turned white after a while which is very bad.
So I upgraded my lights to the Sunpod 150W MH lighting and it is a different tank. I will never have anything but MH lighting on any tank. It is so much better. Everything looks better. My wife was not happy that I bought it but now she says that it is worth it.
I also like not having to worry about what I can and cannot keep because of light.
PS. My BTA is looking better and even my zoos seem to open much wider and looks better.
So I would compare prices and see if there is any way you can afford to get some type of MH Lighting on your tank.

do you have any heating up with the 150W MH lighting ............24g right?


Originally Posted by sand125
do you have any heating up with the 150W MH lighting ............24g right?
Yes, 24G Aquapod
No, infact less. Before, my tank use to be between 80 - 82 degrees and now stays between 79.5 - 81 degress. I took my top off (2 minute job). I cut a sheet of egg crate to fit insde the top of the tank. (This allows fish not to jump out, and only took 10 min.)
How this works is the open top allows for better gas exchange (which supplies more oxygen in the water) and allows heat to escape. I add cup or two of water to my tank everyday.
Please let me know if you have anymore questions


Originally Posted by PClown
Yes, 24G Aquapod
No, infact less. Before, my tank use to be between 80 - 82 degrees and now stays between 79.5 - 81 degress. I took my top off (2 minute job). I cut a sheet of egg crate to fit insde the top of the tank. (This allows fish not to jump out, and only took 10 min.)
How this works is the open top allows for better gas exchange (which supplies more oxygen in the water) and allows heat to escape. I add cup or two of water to my tank everyday.
Please let me know if you have anymore questions

can i see a pix of the top of the tank........?


Active Member
i have a 20 long and use a 2x65W PC and keep zoos, mushys, xenia, candy cane, galaxea......but with an anemone MH are best, as mentioned previously....or MH can be good if you think you'll ever want to get those corals not suited for PCs.


Originally Posted by sand125
can i see a pix of the top of the tank........?
I will try to have one for you today.


Originally Posted by PClown
I will try to have one for you today.



I have a sunpod for my 20 long. It's 36" long because eventually it will be used for my one side of my 130. So it's actually a 2 x 150w and yes it does heat the water a couple of degrees I need to move them a little higher. Here's a pic for ya though. Also I no longer have the glasstops on.


thank u .......u guys for the help....i have a 10g ...but i would like to get a 24G Aquapod soon


Originally Posted by PClown
I have been very happy with mine

i will take some pix of my 10g with pc s lighting .........i hat my pc;s ......... its not the best ....it just takes time