20gal refugium help


New Member
Was wanting some ideas/designs for a refugium. Do i need one? If i put macroajgae directly in tank will it get out of control? Please help.....


I'm no pro, but that's a tough one to answer. When I was starting out, I researched for about a year and read everything I could before spending a dime on hardware. My goal was to fully understand all of the component options and settle on what I thought was best - for the type of tank I wanted.. (in my case a FOWLR)
I'd grab a few books and check them out, it'll give you a nice understanding of whats out there. good luck

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by Amooney711
Was wanting some ideas/designs for a refugium. Do i need one? If i put macroajgae directly in tank will it get out of control? Please help.....
you don't NEED it, but it benifits any system. you can put it in a display tank, just wedge it under a rock with good flow and just trim it back when it gets to be too much for your liking, and you need to have enough light, I think it is 3 watts per gallon for good growth.