20gal with fish


New Member
OK I've researched around even after I did this and still decided to try it, so please don't hate me to much! =/
I've acquired a 20gal tank and put 3 clowns that are just over an inch, one banded coral shrimp, one electric blue hermit crab, and a replenish pack of a few types of snails and small blue and red leg crabs totaling 15ish. I set this tank up with 20gal tap water with 10ml API stress coat+, 30lbs live sand(15lbs course and 15lbs fine) 1 big live rock(7lbs ish). Emperor 280 filter, Sea Clone 100 protein skimmer, and heater set at 78 degrees.
I let the tank sit with the 10ml API stress coat+, live sand, live rock and filter for over 7 days before adding my animals. I'm going on 3 weeks since I setup the tank and right now things seem great. I've tested my salinity(perfect), HP(7.9), ammonia(.50ppm), nitrite(.15ppm), and nitrate(0ppm). I have great color and growth to my rock, water perfectly clear, no unwanted growth that I can see, and the 3 clowns seem to be very happy.
My question is why do so many people say you shouldn't have even one fish such as a clown in a 20gal tank? What is the big problem I'll face with this setup?
Suggestions and critique greatly appreciated thanks so much! I can also provide more info if needed!



Active Member
the biggest problem I see you having is the three clowns one will wind up bullied to death once the other two pair off.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ http:///t/391981/20gal-with-fish#post_3478623
the biggest problem I see you having is the three clowns one will wind up bullied to death once the other two pair off.
Yup - simple fix, take one back! :D Should be easy to catch without a lot of live rock in your tank right now.
Is this going to be a fish only tank or a reef tank?
You might want to go ahead and save yourself a little money by taking back that Seaclone100 skimmer as well... Take the money you get back from that and get yourself a better skimmer... stay away from Coralife brand if you can.
Just my 0.02


Active Member
I've tested my salinity(perfect), HP(7.9), ammonia(.50ppm), nitrite(.15ppm), and nitrate(0ppm). I have great color and growth to my rock, water perfectly clear, no unwanted growth that I can see, and the 3 clowns seem to be very happy.
Welcome to the site!!!
What value are you using for PERFECT salinity (this can vary... Do you mean equal to ocean water?)?
Your Ammonia and Nitrite reading should be 0 (ZERO) if you have any fish in the tank. Most people here would recommend cycling a tank using a uncooked shrimp or ghost feeding the tank. Cycling a tank with live fish can be deadly for fish at worst and kind of cruel at best. I am not trying to be mean at all here, just trying to let you know. You can help get the levels down by doing a water change (you might have to be ready to do multiple ones). Check out this thread about cycling from Spanko its a sticky on top of the new hobbyist section.
I think there is a section in there about a "soft cycle", this is what you do when you already have fish in the tank. Check it out. You spent the $$ on the fish, this should keep them healthy.
In regards to what Snake and Reefkprz said: I would for sure return one of the clowns. Better to get some credit for it now then just flush it later. If you had a big tank (90g+) you may be able to get away with three clowns but not in a 20g. Also, your water level looks a little low in the pics. I would top it off with fresh RO/DI water to the bottom of the trim line.
I like the look of the one rock that you have already. Great color. Great start to your tank!!
I hope none of this came off as harsh, that is NOT my intention. Just trying to help!!

mr. limpid

Active Member
Stop using tap water this will just add to your problems, buy water RO from walmart or grocery store. A agree with returning 1 clown, they are fine now because they are all males. When one turns into a female then the problems will start. Your ammonia is high .5 is half way to lethal, get yourself a bottle of amqual+ or prime this will bring down the ammonia down to acceptable level, until the bacteria has a chance to grow. You will also get nitrate spike which you will need to do water changes to keep down. And your PH is to low should be around 8.2 to 8.3 check your water change water to see if you need to add buffers. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the site!
I agree take a clown back. The reason is that SW fish are very territorial and fight for space. When they feel crowded they fight to the death for thier spot in the tank and any food in thir area. Clownfish will pair off and it will become 2 against the odd guy out for food and space.
However.... you need some more rock, it is the natural filter and gives the critters something to hide in and feel secure. A background will make the tank look 100% better. The ONLY real problem I see is that you used tap water to fill the tank...I see great algae blooms in your future. Your tank should not have ANY ammonia reading at all. .50 is not deadly, but certainly not good either. Also wiggle the rock until it is flat on the bottom of the tank so it isn't resting on the shifting sand before you begin building with the more rock you need.


HI and Welcome.....have to agree with all the others...take back 1 clown.....and get more rock......part of my reasoning for the rock is looks, AND places for the fish to cover and hide....caves are always great to have....
AS far as the skimmer....Seaclones are at the bottom of the skimmer chain...LOL...for a 20G tank you can get a small internal skimmer like the Aquaticlife Mini Skimmer.....it's like $60
AND.....also you should be worried about your water levels....ammonia and nitrites are toxic to fish......get some ro water, and make up some new SW and do some changes
I am betting you did not let your tank cycle :( ANOTHER THING.....you need to get another powerhead for circulation....and think about getting a solid black background....will make the tank look much better


New Member
Thank you all for the help and support on my new tank! I had ordered the fish online and unfortunately can’t return one clown =/ I did get the protein skimmer for $65 from a LFS =)
I am planning on adding more rock to the tank as well, probably won't happen until beginning of the month (need to get paid again =P) I plan on getting 10lbs more cured live rock.
Also I am constantly watching my levels at the moment, I have refilled RO water measured with salt and the added stress coat mixture ready to go for tomorrow. I will probably cycle 3gal of water tonight or tomorrow.



Even though you purchased the clowns online, you might be able to take one of them to your LFS and perhaps get a store credit. I'd at least try it....either way you'll eventually end up with just 2 clowns anyways. Maybe they'll let you trade it in for some rock???


Active Member
Originally Posted by tirtza http:///t/391981/20gal-with-fish#post_3478877

Even though you purchased the clowns online, you might be able to take one of them to your LFS and perhaps get a store credit. I'd at least try it....either way you'll eventually end up with just 2 clowns anyways. Maybe they'll let you trade it in for some rock???
I think you want to keep the clowns at heart, but want an excuse to keep all 3.