20k in 150W or 250W MH HQI over a 40 breeder???


i am going to get a single light retro kit from hellolights, it comes with two T-5's for actinics to put over a 40 breeder.
I planned on getting the 150W, but I want it as blue as possible, and definitally want 20k. I know the bluer, you go, the less par you have.
But I do not want to run my T5's with my MH for heat issues and bulb life span.
So would it be better if i go with a 250W 20k over the 150? giving me more par overall.
But how much more heat issues will i have. I'm already running a 9.5 mag as a return.
Does anyone have a comparison of 150W vs. 250W par with the various kelvin ratings?
It's going to be mostly a lps/softy reef tank, but i will have some small sps and a couple of clams. But i do not want to overkill, nor do i want to underate either.
I'm looking to make this a frag grow out tank also, so i want a bulb that will give me good growth rate. but in 20k.


hmm. i dunno, my buddy has 2- 250w on a 90 gallon and i almost feel thats overkill.
how much does the par drop going from 14k to 20k both on 150w and 250w?
anybody know where i can find a chart detailing this?


Active Member
im running 250w over my 30g and i know someone running a 400w over a 20g. i dont think 250w over a 40 breeder is overkill.
are you planning on running DE or SE? i have PAR values for SE, but not DE.


man that just seems like an awful amount of light. Remember, its going to be mostly softies/lps bases, so anything in the MH genre is going to make them thrive, so there is no need to really blast them like sps.
they are gonna be DE, where/how would i find PAR ratings on DE bulbs?


Active Member
ive looked for DE PAR readings and could not find any, but i found a huge amount of information and data on SE bulbs.
i guess its your call, but i would jsut go with the 250w. i used to have frogspawn, candycane, and a few other lps and i still have some softies. all did great under the 250w.


Active Member
i would also suggest a 250 watt. i had a 150 watt and PCs over my 40 breeder at one point. i kept a few sps and a clam, but the color on the sps wasnt very good as there was an obvious difference even a few inches down. then i upgraded to a 250 watt and things were much better. it wasnt too much for the LPS either. i had my grogspawn in the upper half, almost in the center and it did awesome. now ice upgraded to a 400 watt over it.
you woudl defiantly get by with a 150 watt and the t5s, but i think you will be happier with a 250 watt.


Active Member
my frogspawn was about an inch from the waters surface, the lights are 7" from the water. that means the frogspawn was pretty much being blasted with light. he had some of the nicest color ive ever seen.


I'm thinking about possibly getting the 14k phoenix 150W.
They seem to be really blue, and apparently turn even more blue with an electronic ballast (which is the kind that is going come with my retro kit)
I'm hoping to be happy with them. I really want it as blue as possible, but also want good growth.