20k radium for 29 gallon

What do you all think about switching out my 2x65 watt pc lighting for a single 20k 250 watt bulb?
For those of you who have seen tanks or have tanks with just 20k lighting, do you like the way it looks?
Also would just one of these bulbs light my entire tank or do I need to add pc or vhos as well?


I run a 250watt 10k Aqualine AB over my 26 bowfront. It has been running for almost 2 months now and i don't know if i like how white the tank looks. I tried to run 2 24in NO Super actinic bulbs but they make no difference when the MH is on so i run them about an hour before it comes on and after it is off. You will have the blue from the 20k I would think. Never seen the radiums in person but they do look blue to me. I have 2 dark spots in my tank but that is from the overflow and the power head. If i didn't want to have that actinic look I wouldn't need to run the NO bulbs. I wouldn't imagine that you would need to and any other light.


I haven't had any heat problems yet, but the temp aroud here has been cold and i'm having problems keeping the house warm. There is no insulation in this old house i rent here in florida so the room temp has been at 70 while in the summer it usually is around 77/78. I have to install some fans yet and hope i don't need a chiller but should because the tank stays at a constant 79 right now and i won't mind temps up to 83. The bulb is something like 9 or 10 inches from the water.