20L Frag Tank! Need Light! what one????


Active Member
Filtration= Aqua Clear 500(carbon,sponge,bio-max near future)
Flow= Aqua Clear 500, and a power head rated at 100gph on the back wall.
total flow is 550-600gph. turnover is 27.5X-30X. i can throttle the Acuaclear
Lighting= will be 150-300w of VHO. i might only go with just two bulbs.
how does this sound.


Active Member
You shouldnt care about color or fish if its going to be a frag tank. Just get intense lighting so that you can grow things, not only keep them alive.


Active Member
true just wanted the blue color so that the coral would look crazy. but the frag tank is what i am going for, just some random question on the way.
you pic is that clown real. if so damn that sh*t is hot! does everything else meaning filtration and flow look good.


You can get the blue effect with any fluorescent lighting is what I was trying to say. VHOs come in actinic too, not just T5s. I read a research once that said a ratio of 2 daylight (10,000K) bulbs to every one true actinic VHO bulb works best for coral growth...just a consideration, 3 VHO bulbs might be the way to go!