20Long mixed reef with Pics


Thanks!!!! I went With the Tek T-5 Fixture, really love the look! I would say that a larger tank would be easier to maintain, only because you have more margin for error due the higher volume of water. With the smaller the tank, the more difficult it begins to keep levels stable. As long as you really read up as much as possible and take it very slowly, you can have a rewarding easy to maintain tank. Take everything the LFS with a grain of salt. They do have good info, but also want your money, so read up on questions you might have or ask here. My first tank was a 55 FOWL, I made tons of mistakes, trusted the LFS, and had mixed results. Lots of algae, over stocked tank, crashes, conflicting info(tell me to do one thing one week, and ask why I did that the next), Its really a learning experience, but the results can be breathtaking!!!!


I LOVE THIS TANK TOO!!! It has so much flavor, but spaced well too. Alot of DIY, gotta love it. It looks like a pic of the ocean.
Can you tell me how you managed to raise your Calc so high? I never get mine above 360 or so. My Mg is fine, so I dont know why the SeaChem supplement is not successful.
How did you get it so high? Also, now that your Calc is coming down, has your Kh gone back up?
AGain, all BS aside, this is one of my favorite tanks on the net. Aesthetically Supreme!


Mixed reefs? You mean taking the inhabitants of 2 reefs and mixing together?
Whats the difference between that, and buying coral/inverts/fish from 10 different sources? I think you have a much higher likelihood of introducing a pest/disease when you build your tank than you do when you combine 2 already established reefs.


Thanks for all the Love!!!

My high calcium was a stupid mistake that should have never have happened. I got lazy when dosing my calcium, I didn't test at first when changing calcium brands. I ended up putting in three times the amount needed, I didn't test for a few weeks, due to being busy. I have successfully brought my calc down to 390, manly due to my last water change, but am going to start dosing at the correct levels to bring it up. My Alk is perfect 8.6. What kind of calcium sup are you using, seachem? You might increase the dosage in small increments to increase levels. I have never heard that mixed reefs were bad. I could see possibly, because you are putting together species that normally would never come in contact with each other. Results could be varied, chemical attacks and what not. I run carbon once a month to take out any chemical warfare that might be going on. Most of the corals I have are spaced apart to not sting each other. So far have not had any out break of disease (cross fingers)
So Today after my water change and a quick(two hour) stop to the LFS. They double checked my test results and all is normal in my tank. My PH was low due to the fact I have kept off my light to combat some nuisance algae growing. I picked up a Pair of ORA Onyx Perc's, and a nice rock full of florescent Zoo's. I snap so pics tomorrow.


to be quite honest ur fine. i cant even remember where i heard the mixed reef thing and im considering doing the same with my 12 gallon. the tank looks awesome! keep us updated with pictures often


wow! those pics are under actinics right? what kind of zoos are those?
(if they ever get overpopulated.......ill take some off ur hands hahahahaha)


Yeah those were just under the actinic light. And I keep you in mind!!!!
Heres a update: Had to bring back one of my clowns, I feel as though it had Brook. The people at the LFS(really good people) had me trade it in so that they could dose it and take care of it. I also picked up a Royal Gramma while i was there. Heres some pics



Thank you! Its been about two months, but everything in the tank is from my other two pre-established tanks of over a year.


Its actually a ORA Rose Milli, it browned out a bit under my last lights so it does resemble the Miami Orchid.


What equipment do you have exactly? I'm looking to get a 20 gallon long and your seems exactly what I had in mind.