210 G AGA tank FS Madison, WI


New Member
What I have is a 210 G AGA tank that is vieable from three sides. It has both overflows on one of the narrow ends. It also would come with a 75 gallon 5' Tencor acrylic sump/fuge that fits in the stand, a custom stand and hood that open on both sides. The stand has doors the whole lenght of it. Has about 14 outlets wired into the stand. In the hood there are 5 fans 2 that pull fresh air in and 3 that are spaced out along the lenght of the tank blowing out. LMK if you have any intrest. Tim
You can email me at timmye53575@yahoo.com


New Member
I am asking 1100 OBO for the setup. It is empty now so lets get this gone. Any good offers and it is yours. I am in Madison, Wisconsin