210 Gal. stock options


Hi all, I'm looking for stocking suggestions for my 210. Its gonna be a semi aggressive tank I guess you could say.
So far I have waiting to go in it a:
Juvenile Quenn Angel (starting to change)
Small Hippo Tang
7" Volitan Lion
5" Panther Grouper
and possibly a Scopas Tang not sure if I want him in there
I wanted to add the following:
Atlantic Blue Tang
Koran Angel
Purple Tang
Powder Blue Tang
Some type of eel??? (suggestions please)
Tank measures 84"x24"x24"
Thought about doing a ray also later down the road...
I want about 150 lbs. of LR stacked on one half the tank leaving plenty open sand bed.
Tank isnt set up yet but will be shortly so looking for any advice.


Active Member
Sounds like you are trying to put too many fish in. The tank would be fully stocked with the first part of your list that you already have. More fish? I would wait and see and only add one at a time after you put your first list in. Lesley


Active Member
Originally Posted by nolatrav
Juvenile Quenn Angel (starting to change)
Small Hippo Tang
7" Volitan Lion
5" Panther Grouper
and possibly a Scopas Tang not sure if I want him in there
Tank measures 84"x24"x24"

You feel that this list is fully stocking a 7 foot 210 gallon tank? I have seen much more go into much less (not saying it is right, however this is a rather large tank). Or is the potential size of the fish that you feel will make the tank be at its limit? I have a 220, and would like to get some fish in mine (when it is set up)...and would think that I can fit more than 5 fish in it.


That IMO is not overstocked the panther grouper might get huge, but in a tank that size it should take a couple years before you have to worry about that. As for a eel there are a lot of cool options out there just depends on what you are trying to spend. IMO aviod the tess. But most of the rest are good choice.


Originally Posted by Rslinger
That IMO is not overstocked the panther grouper might get huge, but in a tank that size it should take a couple years before you have to worry about that. As for a eel there are a lot of cool options out there just depends on what you are trying to spend. IMO aviod the tess. But most of the rest are good choice.
I also agree with this.


Well if the first part of my list would already have me overstocked, LOL I hate to tell you all those fish and more are living in a 72 gallon right now. And yes I know that tank is overstocked for sure. But hey, thats why Im doing a 210. I have:
Juve Quenn Angel
Volitan Lion
Panther Grouper
Spotted Hawkfish
Striped Damsel
Coral Beauty Angel
Scopas Tang
Hippo Tang
EDIT: Blue Headed Fairy Wrasse
There all living in the 72 and have been for about 6 months.
Not condoning it, wish it hadnt happened, but my 210 should be able to help with that issue.
Will all my tangs get along, is there a specific order I should introduce them? Obviously they'll all be youngsters, so relatively small, would they cause a nitrate spike if all introduce at once in that big of a tank? Would 2 and 2 be better? I'm really thinking bout living the Scopas, because I would rather have the latter of the list in there and think 5 tangs might just be too much.


I have a 180g with a Sohal Tang and 2 Yellow Tangs with no problems.
I just moved a Blue Hippo Tang into the 180 because it outgrew the tank it was in. I don't think the 4 Tangs are going to work for me, and I'm debating on getting rid of the Sohal or both the Yellows.
5 Tangs in your 210 may be too much, unless they are small.