210 gallon eel tank


Hey everybody, I'm considering converting my 210 to house an eel. I have a few basic questions. What eel is best suited for a 210 gallon tank (72x24x30)? Crushed coral or a fine live sand? How much LR and how should it be arranged? What fish if any could be housed with the eel? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot!


honeycombs arent good either, but dragons, snowflakes, zebras, bananas, eels like that are better with fish


Alright thats cool, I'm really not a fan of Green Morays anyways. Thats one fish that should just be left in the ocean. I'm quite fond of Dragon Morays...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Reefboys
Alright thats cool, I'm really not a fan of Green Morays anyways. Thats one fish that should just be left in the ocean. I'm quite fond of Dragon Morays...
got the money? goooooooood


New Member
I had a 30" Zebra and it was hands down the coolest fish in my tank. They are very docile and add a lot to the tank. Thats my recomendation


Had a snowflake for years, really enjoyed him, good personality, and was not a picky eater. He would eat feeder fish or chunks of frozen (thawed) fish or seafood. Either one he would attack and wrestle down.


You can keep alot of different fish with a Zebra. They are very docile and don't go after fish. I had two of them for awhile and they were great. I even had peppermint shrimp with them that would hang out in thir cave. The thing with zebra eels are that you want to make sure they are eating at the LFS before buying one. They are also very sensitive to big changes in water quality.


New Member
definately no fish with a dragon eel. The local fish store I go through put a show size tang (12'') in their 500 gallon tank with a dragon that was about 10'' and it attacked it... couldnt eat it though. You will not be disappointed with a zebra. They get big and are very friendly. My cleaners shrimps always worked on him- even his mouth