210 Gallon Stock List Sanity Check


Ok, I've got a 5 month old 210 gallon fish only tank with 215 pounds of LR and 200 pounds of LS. Tank is filtered by a 55 gallon refugium w/ chaeto, bioballs, carbon, UV sterilizer, skimmer, and the whole nine yards... So my question is what little fishies I should choose to inhabit this tank?
Here's whats currently in the tank.
1. 5 inch Sohal Tang (the most passive tang in the world, does not pick on anything)
2. 2 inch Juvenile Queen Angel
3. 3.5 inch Coral Beauty Angel
4. 3 inch Scribbled Rabbitfish
5. 2.5 inch Valentine Puffer
6. 2 Diamnond Gobies
Now, what of the following list should I finish the tank with? I've got plenty of space left...
1. Maroon Clown/Clowns?
2. 2 or 3 Yellow Tangs?
3. Naso/Blonde Naso Tang?
4. Purple Tang?
5. Chevron Tang?
6. Annularis Angel?
7. Regal Angel?
8. Emperor Angel?
9. Foxface?
10. Fuzzy Dwarf Lion?
11. 8 or so Green Chromis?
12. 2 Golden Semilavartus Butterflies?
13. Any other suggestions?
I've been thinking about this for a long long time and I just can't seem to come to a final conclusion. Any thoughts or opinions would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks, MATT


I'd say the Purple Tang,the Yellow Tangs,The Foxface,The Regal Angel,the Butterflyfish,the 8 Chromis,and the Fuzzy Lionfish my do well...I don't know aobut the others....Perhaps less Angels and Tangs?


Yeah I know where you're comin from, but since she's such a Juvy its possible that she might not mind it if she grew up with a bigger Angel.


Active Member
How about a Black tang, harlequin tuskfish, the maroon & the Golden butterflies? I know two of those are not on your list..I just like them..LOL. I would also be tempted to add the Regal,they are my favorite angel. Good luck with whatever you decide, and POST PICS!


I meant to put Harlelquin TUsk on that list... I love those things. And yeah BLack Tangs are pretty wicked but I cant afford one right now


Golden Butterflys are pretty pricey 2 ya know :thinking: But I think they are worth it saying that all Butterflyfish are my fav type of fish :joy:


why do saltwater. i say you get rid of every thing that you have and make it a freshwater tank. put in some goldfish and a guppy or two. hahahaha yeah right, just kidding. i cant even help cause i dont know much about big tanks....i have a 12 gallon nano. sry. just curiouse if you dont mind me asking approx. how much money do you have invested in that tank? i have like $700 in my nano and i dont have fish or anything yet.( that prolly sounds dirt cheap to you haha) please post pics also. i would love to see your tank.


Originally Posted by Reefboys
Anybody else???
I have a 6 inch queen angel and i just put in a three inch french and they are doing very well. the French is still in the juvi colors and half the size so the queen ignores him. I plan to get a bigger tank in the future though so there are no problems when the french gets bigger. I also have a harlequin tusk for five months now . hes doing great and doesnt harrass other fish . he just eats alot. hes about five inches. id be careful with the yellow tang. I put in a large yellow tang recently and had to sell him b/c he was harrasing many of my fish so out he went. good luck !


Thanks for the advice Peter. I've been curious to see how other people's Queens reacted to other Angels. Gharner, I've invested way too much in this tank lol. I'm thinkin upwards of 5-7,000 but in my mind its totally worth it. I'll post some pics as soon as I can get my camera figured it out. No matter what I try I just can't seem to get the settings right...


Active Member
I would guess your going to possibly have issues with the Yellows and the other tangs.....I think with the addition of just the tangs is to much.....The recommended tank size IMHO is undersized......


Hey Acrylic it says your from Harrisburg??? You ever make it down to Malec's in Lemoyne? I used to work the salt section there with Brian. Now we're both gone and it looks terrible... lol


Well I'm come up with a final list of what I will be adding... Lemme know what ya think. I have a 400 gallon FOWLR at the LFS that I work at that I can put anything that gets too big or is overly aggressive into.
I will be adding:
1. 3 Small Yellow Tangs (Can be 400'd if they grow and become overcrowded)
2. Purple Tang
3. Emperor Angel (Can be 400'd)
4. Fuzzy Dwarf Lion
5. Harlequin Tusk (Can be 400'd)
6. A school of 6 or so Chromis
????????Any thoughts?????????