210 Reef Tank


Active Member
Does anyone have a good estimate on how much a 210gal reef tank with lights, tank, filter, stand and canopy with maple wood, sand, fish and corals included would cost???


Active Member
I live in FL and I would want it pretty awesome but not like overdone
and out of curiosity what does where you live have to do with anything?


Active Member
If I had to guess with rock and all equipment including MH lights and skimmer and pumps and such I would say around $6,000 roughly


Well if you live in canada you pay for all the shipping costs of getting all the good things out of the states. On average I would pay about 25% more for everything. Now on your tank I would bet about 5000 to get going on it. That would be just a guess though.


Active Member
depends on what route u wanna go...
i have a 180 mixed reef with more sps now but in all i have spent around
tank $1400 lee mar euro style flat polsihed starphire front panel
stand & canopy ... cherry made my self... $350
lighting... $1250 (3x250W HQI pendants and ballast and 130W PC)
sump $250
Skimmer $400
uv $125
plumming $250
Ca Reactor $700
return pump $225
CL pump $260
OM 4way $320
Seios $150
chiller $450
Auto top off $125
Ph monitor $90
battery backup system $220
phosban reactor and media $80
180lbs LR $700
120lbs LS $125
coral approx $1200
fish approx $225
misc test kits, salt mix, power strips, crabon, and power heads $300
total cost to get tank to its current state $9195
so lets just say over 10K lol when taking into all my mistakes and deaths lol hey it was a learning curve
heres a pic....
reef tanks arent cheap if u wanna go all out and
my tank cost about $250 a month to upkeep when taking into consideration electric, food, chemicals, and other misc nescesities


Yea, I'd have to say $6000 to $7000 to start, up to over $10,000 in several plus years. You can save a ton of money doing things yourself and research but you still end up spending many $$$$.

tank watch

Yep. Beaucoup dineros. Yesterday my wife was catching up on the bookkeeping. She said we should be ashamed of ourselves. It turns out that out tank is the most expensive thing we own. I wasnt sure if that was good or bad :scared: :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by murph145
depends on what route u wanna go...
i have a 180 mixed reef with more sps now but in all i have spent around
tank $1400 lee mar euro style flat polsihed starphire front panel
stand & canopy ... cherry made my self... $350
lighting... $1250 (3x250W HQI pendants and ballast and 130W PC)
sump $250
Skimmer $400
uv $125
plumming $250
Ca Reactor $700
return pump $225
CL pump $260
OM 4way $320
Seios $150
chiller $450
Auto top off $125
Ph monitor $90
battery backup system $220
phosban reactor and media $80
180lbs LR $700
120lbs LS $125
coral approx $1200
fish approx $225
misc test kits, salt mix, power strips, crabon, and power heads $300
total cost to get tank to its current state $9195
so lets just say over 10K lol when taking into all my mistakes and deaths lol hey it was a learning curve
heres a pic....
reef tanks arent cheap if u wanna go all out and
my tank cost about $250 a month to upkeep when taking into consideration electric, food, chemicals, and other misc nescesities
Beautiful tank
, could you give us some more pics

efish :happyfish nsea


My 125 is still being stocked an I'm at $2,500. I did everything myself. Got killer deals on Craigslist.
Tank - $140
1,900 gph pump - $90
self made stand - $250
plumbing $100
lights $250 (3 175w mh)
got 20 pounds of rock,a monster anemone, 30 pounds of sand, and a clown for $80 from someone. Got a huge rock with all sorts of mushroom corals and another clown for $45 with a couple hitchhiker crabs. Got about 40 or 50 pounds of lr from someone for $2.25 a pound. Great deals on Craigslist.
And obviouisly tons of other miscellaneous stuff. Still have a long way to go. Probably another grand. I only have 2 fish now. Lost my favorite, the foxface. Need an auto top off, some VHO's, more fish, more coral, more rock, more stuff in general but almost done.



If they are willing to part it out they may take a lower offer for the entire thing at once. Try $2300. I'd say worth it for sure. Already established, probably $4-5k invested and you'd be getting for half that. You don't have to deal with setting up a new tank. I am a newby to salt and pieced together the entire thing. Extreme pain in the ass. But whatever. If I was to do it over and had the money I'd buy this set up as is. You can always sell or trade stuff off of it you don't like for what you do want. Sounds like you might wanna hurry though.


Depending on quality, brand ...new used... your looking anywhere from $6k - $10k
I suggest buying things used...let someone else take the hit for you...9 times out of 10 when you buy something used the person only used it for maybe a year... heck I got my acrylic tank (125) ..stand/canopy/ 400 mh's ..pc's ...pump ...ecosystem... for around $2k .....with lifestock im around $3k
If i would have bought it new...I would have broken the 7k mark EASY.
So...buy things slow...buy them over time... dont rush the tank...while the tank is cycling you dont need mhs'...etc
Buy a quality tank...