210 stock list?


New Member
ok gents need some suggestions for my 210 i already have
striped puffer
naso tang
Yellow tang
Planning to get
Emperor Angel
blackedge eel
green dot grouper
clown trigger- would be the last purchase
any suggestions for others or any feedback on my plan?


Active Member
Sounds like a decent stock list, however, I'd avoid the Blackedge Moray.
They'll max out around 38" - 40" and are MEAN. They'll try to take down fish that are even too big for them to eat and they're highly aggressive when it comes to you putting your hands in the tank, to clean, feed, etc.


New Member
what about replacing the eel with a Huma Huma trigger then and if I replace the eel then I'd probably want to add one more fish to the list also. Any suggestions?


Active Member
Even if you left the Blackedge out, I wouldnt add any more fish. You've got a list of fish that will be fairly large, when grown...and adding anymore might cause territory issues (if you wont have them already).


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
Sounds like a decent stock list, however, I'd avoid the Blackedge Moray.
They'll max out around 38" - 40" and are MEAN. They'll try to take down fish that are even too big for them to eat and they're highly aggressive when it comes to you putting your hands in the tank, to clean, feed, etc.
Everything here sounds good. You might have room for a humu but that might be pusing it. Depends on your filtration and tank upkeep.


New Member
i've got the amircle pl3000 has two protein skimmers attached and I'm usually good about the water changes. my plan is to get the emperor next then probably get the huma and grouper together next and finally the clown. So what you're telling me is no blackedge thats kind of disappointing. I'm a piranha defector I've had them for over 10 years and decided I do an aggressive saltwater tank so with the 210 I thought I could get the best of the best.


Active Member
I just recently moved back to hometown, in Southern IL, from Chicago.
There's a fish store, there, that has two 24" - 30" Blackedge in a tank...they've been there for over a year...they cant get rid of them. I thought about buying them, since all I do is highly aggressive tanks and even I wouldnt take them.
You'd get near the tank and they'd come out of the rocks, to the top of the tank, biting, trying to push the glass tops off. It wasnt cause they werent fed either...they were just that mean.
Morays are my speciality...if you have to have one, look into the Mexican Dragon or the Jewled Moray.


if i were you i would get a honey comb moray eel they are really really cool cause they
come out alot


Isn't honeycomb just another name for a tesselatta? If so, they aren't a good idea to put in your tank. Very large and VERY aggressive.


Active Member
Yes, you are correct. Sometimes, advice on this website should not be given if the person, in this case surfinusa, does not know about the fish.
Tesselatta eels are not only HIGHLY aggressive, but they grow to be 5' in length. Definitely one of the moray eels that should be left in the oceans or the species only tanks in public aquariums.