215g stocking advice


My 215g has been running for a month now with only a 12-14" G. kidako. I've restrained myself from ordering anything else until I have a concrete list of what I want that's also available and compatible. The kidako is VERY active at night, and I will be adding one other eel, but I would like something colorful with personality that would be active during the day. I looked into limiting the animals from only the Phillipines/Taiwan/Japan regions where the eel came from, but I'm not crazy about any of the other eels available, so that idea's out. Filtration is an Ecosystems sump/fuge with a Mag 18 return, and a Trigger Systems skimmer with a Mag 12. Bearing in mind that another eel will be added (most likely a Jewel/Mex. Dragon), if you could mix and match from this list, what would YOU do??
Porc puffer (Also like the black and the dog-faced puffers)
Hippo/Regal tang (possibly 2?)
Achilles tang
Purple tang
Pink tailed trigger
Possibly a coloful wrasse (H. tusk maybe)
I think with "aggressive" fish it's always trial and error, but I have zero experience with any of these fish. Any and ALL advice/suggestions are welcome! :) I'm getting restless and I can just feel an impulse buy coming on!!!

Thanks guys!


The only one of those fish I'd advise you against is that achilles tang. They are probably THE most fragile tang out there. Even a powder blue would be easier to keep and their temperment isn't really compatible with aggressive fish. I know how awesome looking they are, but if you get one be prepared to lose it.
I've heard kidako eels are very mild mannered as far as non pebble-toothed eels go, but you should get all your fish 5" and bigger since they still are fish eaters.
I don't think you have to change that list much. Your tank could easily accomodate 5 fish and a few eels with your current filtration. How much live rock do you have?
2 hippo tangs might not be such a great idea though. Tangs normally prefer being the only one of their type in the tank, unless it's a schooling fish like a yellow.


I don't take it lightly when anything dies in my care, even a damsel, so the Achilles is off the table. And - I thought Hippos DID school!?!
I had the powder blue tangs on the list (and Niger triggers and a few others) , but took them off due to their enormous adult size! I know a pork would get huge, but I'm planning for the long haul, and he's the only monster fish I want in there! I haven't put a lot of LR in yet, because I was lingering on getting a ray. I decided against the ray, and am looking into ordering the LR now. Trying to find least heavy LR that still LOOKS great.


I suppose hippos could school but they do get up to a foot in length. Minimum schooling is 3 fish. So you would not be able to school them in your tank. Rays and a porc puffer do not mix. The porc will more than likely nip at the rays eyes at some point.


Ooooh! Thanks, Surfin! I forgot to list any angels! LOL! Good idea - Must go look!
Boal- I said I decided NOT to get a ray - I think they deserve more swimming room than I'd be able to give them with the eels. And YUP on the hippos. I hear ya. Too big. I'm trying so hard to do something that will be right for the fish and for me, and it's just not working out! :notsure: I must need a bigger tank!!
Now I need to find time to research colorful schooling fish from 5-8 inches.


Anthias are a bright schooling fish around the size you are looking for. Get them big though or they will be eel food.


Boal - Anthias are very bright and pretty, but I've read that they're difficult to maintain. Any comments from anyone who's had/ has them? I was willing to chance it with the hippos, so I suppose I can chance it with them, also. :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sunburnt
Boal - Anthias are very bright and pretty, but I've read that they're difficult to maintain. Any comments from anyone who's had/ has them? I was willing to chance it with the hippos, so I suppose I can chance it with them, also. :thinking:
Ive tried lyretail anthias's 2 times already i just cant keep those fish at all .I have kept some very difficult fish for a long time.as for the puffer he should be safest with the eels he has protection and hes toxic is eaten most fish stay away from these fish as food. as for your tangs i strongly reccomend taking any tang you may concider off your list of possible tank mates for the eels.one reason in particular.tangs are hiders they wedge themselfs into the rockwork in which your eels will reside.eels are not known to take up one spot ona tank the entire tank is his territory if by chance your eel finds you tangs wedged in his home he may become an easy meal for them.as for triggers and wrasses they are aggressive pickers eels do hide quite a bit for the most part this makes them volnerable to the picking habits of the wrasse and the trigger.this is just my thoughts on it.I do have a jeweled eel and i will say hes not a great comunity eel mine is smal now 11 inch or so he will be going into a separate tank very soon hes a very agressive eater and nips at my other fish often during feeding time.tonite he litterally took the food out of my spiney box fishes mouth.and bit his upper lip in the process.


I agree with unleashed. Eels are a tough community fish. They can eat some fish, other fish can pick at them.
As far as anthias, I've had pink square and bartlet anthias and niether were difficult fish. I fed them spectrum pellets, flake food, mysis shrimp, same as many of my other fish. The pink squares get about 6" and I think would go well in any aggressive tank. It's also easy to tell the males from females so schooling would be easier.


Unleashed- Thanks for the info. At $30 a pop, I really don't want to add monetary stress on top of mental stress if I spring for 5 and they just die on me!
I know there's no way to reliably predict an eel's adult personality... I just can't see this kidako as getting super-aggressive. My poor boy is such a weenie he is STILL freaking out about the feeding stick. When he was in the 90, he got used to me using some jade chopsticks I have, but now that I have this ginormous tank, I had to get "the claw", and he is spazzing out. He chases the stick to get the food, and when the claw opens, he about trips over himself getting away from it!
My Zebra was more aggressive at this size! So, we'll see. I think I'll get the porc and start looking for a pink-tail trigger. They're supposed to be fairly peaceful.
BTW- this kidako might be the blindest eel out there. I don't know how they survive in the wild!


Active Member
yeh i hear ya there about 30 bucks a pop last time i tried lyretails i baught 6 of them 1male 5 females they al died 24hrs apart from each other at 20 bucks a peice(i got discounts for buying multipals) but the last one died on day 6.never again