selling my 220gal setup all glass with tank oak stand oak canopy
aqua medic lights fixture 3 250 watt hqi 2 150watt hqi and 360 watt flor.
300pds of live rock
30 assorted coral from softy and slp
feather duster
250 pds live sand
2 sea squirls
150 gal wet dry acrilic
3G skimmer
blue line extrenal pump 2500 gals
delta star chiller
purple tang
blue hippo
x mas wrasse
2 blue chromis
2 pink anthis
puprple star fish
orange link star
sand sifter star
i know im forgetting things tons of money investe my lose your gain
taking offers on the whole setup I WILL NOT SEPRATE ANYTHING AT ALL DONT ASK. taking any reasonable offfers
aqua medic lights fixture 3 250 watt hqi 2 150watt hqi and 360 watt flor.
300pds of live rock
30 assorted coral from softy and slp
feather duster
250 pds live sand
2 sea squirls
150 gal wet dry acrilic
3G skimmer
blue line extrenal pump 2500 gals
delta star chiller
purple tang
blue hippo
x mas wrasse
2 blue chromis
2 pink anthis
puprple star fish
orange link star
sand sifter star
i know im forgetting things tons of money investe my lose your gain
taking offers on the whole setup I WILL NOT SEPRATE ANYTHING AT ALL DONT ASK. taking any reasonable offfers