220 gallon reef tank diary

I just got this tank recently and im starting to set it up. Do yall think that this idea would work for the plumbing? alright so i was thinkin about this and I thought of an idea that might work. I have a standard hang on the back overflow box what if i took the part that goes in the tank and drilled two holes in the bottom of it. then took pvc pipe and ran it too the two holes then used another pipe to run it through the return like so. think this is a good idea? Like that. then have the retun pipe which is long with many holes drilled in it under the live sand so that the sand is contantly water flowing through it so no dead spots form. sound like a good idea? any thing wrong with it? and actually i have two of those overflow boxes so i could put one on each side and run the return through the hole toward the middle of the tank on the left side. that way water is being sucked from both sides of the seven foot tank. Also sorry for those who arent aggie fans. haha



move the tank ,i could see the chair going righ through the tank..i haave a 220 same from the way it looks...i have a hole on each back corner..


looks good so far, are you having reef or fowlr or aggressive- a lionfish would look awsome and a panther grouper
im a follow this thread
I was looking into buying a 6 stage reverse osmosis system with deionization and i was wondering if what gpd i am supposed to purchase. 100 gpd is the biggest one i see and i have a 220 gallon tank. Is that the size i am supposed to get?
also i have two proclear 300 pro wet dry filters that i plan on running for this tank. They both have protien skimmers built into them and i was wondering if that would be good enough for protien skimming or if i need to purchase a higher end one?