220 gallon tank


New Member
Hey how are you guys, ive been reading this message board for a while now, i just registered. i have a question it sounds kinda silly but, here it goes, i have a 220 gallon tank thats been cycling for a rough month now, i have a marble cat shark i really want to put in it, how long should i wait? its got about 50 pounds of live sand and roughly 15 pounds of live rock, dont want alot of rock because i want to be able to see the shark. i have a couple of damsels in there now. i have 3 other tanks but i really want to get the shark in the big one soon, but i dont wanna kill her. thanx for the help.


Reguardless of the size of your tank, you should get a GOOD test kit. Measure amonia, nitrites and SG. That's the best way to tell if you're really done cycling or not. A good therometer for $4 is a great investment too.


dont be scared... after you test your water and are sure it has cycled add the shark and wait to add any more fish for a few weeks to let the bio load catch up....


Where did you get a marble catshark??? And do they have any more???? And what would the phone number or website be???
So many questions so little time.


definately test your water first dont rush it you'll only be sorry in the end.


New Member
i would first like to thank you guys on the feed back, i havent put her in the tank yet, i still have to test water and im a little nervous. i bought the shark near baltimore, (randalstown ) its called the aqurium center, this was the third one i saw i wasnt going to get it but..... i wanted one so. she just started eating fresh shrimp from the store but we order ghost shrimp by the box. Tom i am going up there tommorow i can check i dont have the # off hand but i will check for you and get you the # thanx again guys.


New Member
Tom they just got a marble shark in tonight, the #is 410-521-4529 its called the aquirium center.