220# Live Rock and Dragon Wrasse - Chicago


New Member
I have 220# of live rock for sale. I'm in the Chicago burbs.
Was in my tank for over a year - nice growth. There are some big pieces (30#, etc).
Currently in vats with powerheads and heaters.
Would love to sell it all to one person - would be great for starting up a new tank. If not, I'll sell it in smaller lots - say 75# or more.
Purchased from Premium Aquatics for around $7/lb. Its a mix of Fiji and Kalini.
Email me at jsfranzen2001@yahoo.com if interested.
Oh, I also have a very nice and healthy Dragon Wrasse. He's about 5" or so. Got him from Aquatica in Tinley Park. I dig him, but with limited tank space, I'd prefer a Red Coris or Formosa.


New Member
Bump - someone make me an offer!
I've got the stuff in rubbermaid vats with Pheads and heaters and need to free up the space and I dont want to have to keep doing water changes on the rock. Make me an offer.


Originally Posted by OneFiddy
Bump - someone make me an offer!
I've got the stuff in rubbermaid vats with Pheads and heaters and need to free up the space and I dont want to have to keep doing water changes on the rock. Make me an offer.
What city are you in? I've got a 90 starting in a week or so.