220 tank and angels

do you think I could get a pair of bicolor angels{already together} and put them in a 220 with a golden pygmy angel? Would have some tangs, wrasses, hogfish, etc in the tank eventually.
will have a couple hundred pounds of LR in tank
The golden pygmy is bossy so I would add him introduce him later
If this is ok should I add other tank mates first or later?
Looking through some books last nite I am interested in larger schooling fish...maybe 4 powder blue surgeonfish..
In a 220....what would be a good choice to have 3-5 of the same fish that would still permit a few other community fish???


Active Member
The BiColor Angels should do well in your 220....The Powder Blue school idea unfortunately is a definite "no" though. You would need a tank at least quadruple that size to keep a group of Powder Blues without all out war breaking out. If you have room, you could likely get away with 3 Yellows, or 3 Convict Tangs.
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
is your tank long and wide? long and tall? short and tall?

72" x24" x 30"
with a sump
any other ideas for fish? kjr_trig doesn't have to be angels or tangs. Would like to stay away from butterflies though


Active Member
Really? The Golden pygmy is bossy/aggressive? They are perhaps the most shy/cryptic of all angels. Is he out a lot?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tracymace1229
72" x24" x 30"
with a sump
any other ideas for fish? kjr_trig doesn't have to be angels or tangs. Would like to stay away from butterflies though
As far as "big fish" there are not too many that you could do in a group/school...There is a guy on another site that has 5 Flames Angels in a similar sized tank, very cool....I don't know if they "school" together, but he has posted pictures with all of them grouped together.
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Sucks butterflies are out, a trio of Semilarvatus butterflies would be awesome in that tank....
just curious
I read up on those buttlerflies and see they are much hardier than others. But don't they all come from the Red Sea?
If so I would have to keep the specific gravity at least at 1.025....how will that limit other types of fish?
thanks for the thoughts and suggestions


Active Member
Originally Posted by tracymace1229
just curious
I read up on those buttlerflies and see they are much hardier than others. But don't they all come from the Red Sea?
If so I would have to keep the specific gravity at least at 1.025....how will that limit other types of fish?
thanks for the thoughts and suggestions
I have only known that Semilarvatus
are endemic to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. They are not found any where in the pacific.
I'm not sure what you mean but specific gravity affecting fish. They are just like any other fish, and can be kept in a range of salinities, depending on your preference, from 1.021 to 1.026. Just like any fish we kept.
what I meant was the range of the S.G. I know many aquarist keep the S.G. low {1.021-1.025} Most sea water is in the range of 1.025.
The Red Sea area has a S.G. of 1.028 to 1.032 If I Remember correctly. Anyhow when I searched some info online for info on those butterflies.....one site mentioned the higher salinity and suggested that the home aquaria be kept at a minimimum of 1.025- 1.028 S.G.
with that thought in mind....and shooting for a 1.025 S.G. I am hoping to keep other fish that don't orginate from that area.
just asking as much as I can!!